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Questions tagged [pidora]

Pidora is a Fedora Remix optimized for the Raspberry Pi computer.

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7 votes
1 answer

Is it still safe to use pidora?

Pidora is Fedora 20 based, Fedora 20 is in EOL (End Of Life). yum does not update anymore Is it still safe to use Pidora for hosting a webserver or fileserver?
Mehdi Nellen's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Should I entrust a home server role to a Raspberry Pi 2?

Say I’d like to run a small server with very little load to provide email and chat for my own personal use. Maybe three users in total. Could I trust a Raspberry Pi to this role? I’m a bit worried it ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Differene between Pidora and Fedora ARM?

What is the difference between Pidora and Fedora ARM? The latter is way more official sounding but it doesn’t mention the Raspberry Pi 2 anywhere on their product page.
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Getting started with raspberry pi B+

I just got r-pi B+ and flashed an 8gb sd card with 'pidora'. But I am stuck at the logging in process. I don't have a display for the r-pi. All I have is a laptop running Fedora 20 and a raspberry pi ...
Sushant Kolhe's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why will Pidora not run on my Raspberry Pi 2

I have one of the newer Raspberry Pi 2 B, and wish to install Pidora. I have downloaded Pidora-2014-R3 (the [latest?] version available from the front page of the Pidora site) and copied it on to a ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Pidora speed on Raspberry pi 2?

Does the pi run pretty quickly when running pidora, or is it below par? Par being raspbian on the pi zero.
user40308's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Minecraft for the Raspberry Pi 2 cli download

I was wondering what the name of minecrafts installation package was so that I could install it via terminal. I do have pidora installed on my pi. sudo apt-get install [minecrafts download name]
user40308's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is Fedora REMIX being supported anymore - is a updated Pidora release available?

As a Fedora desktop user, and having just battled through trying to get stuff vaguely up-to-date on Raspbian (wheezy base image), I though I could install Fedora REMIX (i.e. Pidora) to see if it would ...
Wilf's user avatar
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