It's worse than you think == chances are your '16Gb' .img WONT WRITE BACK to another '16Gb' SD card !
1) The stupid Pi system autoexpands to every last block of the SD card on FIRST BOOT !! This is stupid because :-
2) No two SD cards have the same 'block count'. All cards have 'bad blocks' that are 'mapped out' during manufacturing. As compitition drives prices down, SD cards with more and more bad blocks are being 'pssssed' - so 'todays' '16Gb' card will be 15.9 or 15.8 or 15.7 or even less 'tomorrow' ...
3) Win32 disk imager WONT WRITE a 15.90 Gb .img to a 15.8999999 Gb card, full stop. Even if it did, the partition would 'run off the end of the card' and the Pi will abort with 'Corrupted file system' errors
a) You have to reduce the partition to 15.5 or so to 'guarantee' it will write back (BEST way is to MODIFY the .img on your PC BEFORE burning to SD so it doesn't 'autoexpand' on first boot-up (remove ' init= ..' from end of cmdline.txt on the FAT32 partition). Then, manually change /usr/lib/raspi-config/ so it ewxpands to 95% of the card, not 100%
[find 'TARGET_END=$((ROOT_DEV_SIZE - 1))', change to
'TARGET_END=$((ROOT_DEV_SIZE / 100 \* 95 ))' ]
then add ' init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/' back to cmdline.txt and reboot .
b) Finally, DONT USE win32 imager to make your back-up .img (it will grab every block, you only want to the end partition, not the whole SD card).
Instead (on the PC) use (free) DiskInternals Linux Reader .. (after which Win32 Imager will 'burn' the .img just fine to any card witb at least 95% of the space of the original)
Please note == This is what I ACTUALLY DO (with my PoE headless Pi Zero projects), and I can assure I have written my .img's to many different SD cards and it ACTUALLY WORKS (it seems that most 'guides' on 'How to back-up the Pi' are written by people who have never actually tried to 'restore' their .img to a new SD card :-) )
PS - or, if you are using a Pi B3, by all means start by 'shrinking' the end partition and then add a USB SD card reader/writer and play with 'dd' ... I don't do this because all my projects are based on the Pi Zero (which I usually run 'headless' with a USB/Ethernet 'dongle' on the end of a PoE cable)
SD Card Copier
that only copies the used space to make a backup.