I got my first 2 pies yesterday, and they are indeed funny to play with.
But I have a problem, when I try to mount my NAS server to pi1, nothing happens. - Funny is that I do the same thing on pi2, which works just fine.
Totally same cmd I trow at them.
I use this in fstab to mount the drive: //NAS-IP/Save/pi /home/pi/NAS/data cifs username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD 0 0
I formatted the one it worked one, I'm going to try again on that one soon.
But, I do not understand it work on 1, but not another?
thanks guys
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD //NAS-IP/Save/pi /home/pi/testmount
Try that and see if you get an error message back. You want to create the directorytestmount