I am using Raspberry pi 2 with kernel version 3.18.11-v7+ and HDMI to VGA converter to connect to Monitor.

Every time I disconnect the power supply and boot, blank screen appears. When I reboot, screen appears.

Steps tried so far:

  1. Enabled boot to desktop in sudo raspi-config. After setting boot to desktop, raspberry pi auto reboots and screen appears. But when ever I shutdown and boot again, no screen on display.
  2. Edited /boot/config.txt file:
    • uncommented hdmi_safe=1 and disable_overscan=1. Screen appears after every shutdown but with very low resolution.
    • commented hdmi_safe=1 and uncommented hdmi_group=2 and hdmi_mode=86 to force into hdmi mode. The resolution got corrected after reboot but after shutdown boot, no screen appears.
    • uncommented hdmi_safe=1 and uncommented hdmi_group=2 and hdmi_mode=86 to force into hdmi mode. Screen appears after every shutdown but with very low resolution.

Any workaround to solve this issue?

1 Answer 1


According to the documentation, setting hdmi_safe=1 is the equivalent of setting a bunch of things including a low resolution hdmi_mode. You might try re-ordering the lines to see if you can override that with a mode set before or after (I think usually lines later in config.txt take precedence, but I have not experimented extensively with that).

Anyway, looking at the list of things invoked by hdmi_safe=1, you could instead try:


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