So I have created an image of my RaspberryPi setup(using Win32DiskImager). I am using 32gb sd cards and when I go to write the image to other cards it doesn't fit. I've seen lots of others have this same issue and most of them say to use the live gpart desktop to resize it which I've done with no luck. I've also tried truncating like seen here: Image of a 16Gb card containing unpartitioned space at the end: Truncating possible? with no luck.
So here is where I am at:
- I've downloaded and started up
- I have successfully resized the partitions that have all the extra space. I've tried setting their format type to be both unformatted and cleared neither seem to help(when it came to creating the image)
- My new total size of the drive is 25gb instead of the 29 it was. When I go to create the image of the disk now its still the same size as it was before.
Can anyone help with how do I actually get the image to be smaller in size so I can write to multiple other sdcards?
Thanks for any help or direction!
) will only work with images where "empty space" refers to space that is not occupied by a partition -- in which case usingdd
seems a bit silly, but in any case, if you try that on an image where the partition fills the card, it will trash it.