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Questions tagged [cron]

the job scheduler in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It enables users to schedule tasks to run non-interactively at specified intervals or predefined times, including upon reboot.

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2 answers

Launching Python code on start-up

I'm making a robot using a Raspberry Pi. I have written code for it in Python and I would like the Python script to run as soon as the Pi is powered. I only want the whole script to repeat the whole ...
Vijay Jindal's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

How to move mouse pointer to a specific location on the screen AT BOOT?

I recently downloaded the latest and greatest Raspbian OS for my PI, enabled hide function on taskbar and have installed xdotool. For what I want to use PI for, I need to have the taskbar hidden at ...
ThN's user avatar
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Cron job won't run bash script [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a cron job that will run at the beginning of every hour on raspbian My script is as follows: #!/bin/bash timeout 150s chromium-browser
A.Collins's user avatar
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User cron job permission denied to directory owned by the user

I am using Raspbian Jessie. I have a cron job for pi user as follows: SHELL=/bin/bash @reboot /path/to/ The script I am executing involves creating directories on a mounted USB ...
CuriousGuy's user avatar
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3 answers

Run autossh on reboot through crontab

I'm trying to run two command at reboot on my raspberry pi. Here is what I tried : @reboot sudo su - pi -c "screen -dm -S myscript_cron python ~/myfolder/" @reboot sudo su - pi -c "screen ...
Simon Robain's user avatar
2 votes
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Create ssh tunnel on startup

I have looked at various questions but none seems to work... I have a remote Pi that for various reasons tends to lose power occasionally and then boot back up. I don't have physical access to this ...
ClydeTheGhost's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to start a VNC session correctly on Raspbian?

I start my VNC server via a @reboot vncserver & entry in my user's crontab. But this seems to cause some problems since the cron environment is restricted. For examples see: Get Bash instead of /...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to get shutdown and reboot buttons of `lxde-pi-shutdown-helper` working

I am running my the PIXEL desktop of Rasbian (Jessie) in VNC started by cron. In this case the Shutdown and Reboot of the shutdown menu do not work (only Logout). How can I get shutdown and reboot ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
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1 answer

rSync Raspberry Pi Files to Android?

I'll try to keep this as straightforward as possible. This project involves a Raspberry Pi 3, and an Android device. The Pi Setup as a wireless access point (WiFi) which will have NO internet access ...
Andrew M's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I stop this script (date an time with I2C LCD)

I found this script to show date an time on this site: Once is running how can be it stoped? I like the idea of showing the ...
Diego D.M.O.'s user avatar
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cron-apt is always unable to connect to network

I am using cron-apt to keep my Pi up to date. However, since a few weeks, I always get these error messages in the mail, when cron-apt runs: CRON-APT RUN [/etc/cron-apt/config]: Sat Feb 25 04:00:01 ...
Arne's user avatar
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Send messages to main boot up screen without logging in

I have a python cron script. Switch on Raspberry Pi and when the login prompt appears, soon enough the script runs. Is it possible for the script to "output" strings to this main screen without a ...
zaf's user avatar
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Shutdown the Pi at the end of my python script using cron?

I have created a python script that lights up some leds on a bit of breadboard then it's supposed to shut down the pi, the script works fine if I run it in python and the pi shuts down as intended. ...
Jon Wilmot's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Get Bash instead of /bin/sh in a VNC session started by cron

When I open a terminal (e.g. lxsession or xterm) in LXDE which is running in a VNC session the shell is $ echo $SHELL /bin/sh However, I want my default shell which is /bin/bash to use my .bashrc ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cron.daily midnight download

I run a headless Pi in a weather station using cellular data. Every night after midnight it does an 8MB download - I don't know what it is, but that's what vnstat tells me. Being as how the system ...
Ian Boag's user avatar
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Raspbian Jessie "wait for network" Vs. Cron @reboot entries

I have a few Raspbian cron entries that runs @reboot. Some are network dependent (i.e. ntp-wait). My question is, with Raspbian Jessie, if "wait for network" is enabled in raspi-config, will cron run ...
Renier Delport's user avatar
3 votes
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Launch Python script from Cron in foreground

I have developed a Python script that I would like to run at every boot of the Pi. The script in question is one that I do not want to run in the background. It will be controlling the display of ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is cron not showing a scheduled task when the cron file has the line shown below

I am new to Linux and experimenting with scheduling a task on a Raspberry Pi B. I can not get the scheduled task to run nor do I see the scheduled task when I use crontab -l. When I run crontab -l I ...
GBG's user avatar
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Raspberry pi, streamer + crontab + dropbox = catCamera, does not work!

I wrote a bash script that uses the dropbox app as per RaspiTV. I am using a standard USB webcam and streamer to capture videos of my cat when I am away from home with the hope that these can be ...
dearN's user avatar
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Bash video script stops working after a week

I am trying to create a series bash scripts to check on my dog when I am at work. I have cron jobs setup to run the scripts on the days I work, but after about 8 days the script stops working. I tried ...
shawn's user avatar
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I'm seeking a fancy slideshow feature

For our small non-profit canine training club I'm seeking a nice slideshow feature for a raspberry pi (v.3). My plan is to create a USB-flash drive (stick) with the slideshow content. And if a USB-...
user3903786's user avatar
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why my script is not executed with root privileges using Crontab?

I have a working bash script and I want to run this script every minute with root privileges using crontab. I created my crontab as follows. >sudo crontab -e Then the file opened and I entered my ...
ThN's user avatar
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An avconv cron job fails

I am having trouble using a cron job in Raspbian Jessie to run a bash script that works fine when I run it manually on the command line. I have read a few responses but the advice doesn't help,,, or ...
wayjo's user avatar
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2 answers

how to set up a cron job twice a day to save what was installed using sudo apt-get install to a text file

using this command I save all the sudo apt-get install to a text file: history | grep "sudo apt-get install" | sed 's/^ *//' | cut -d' ' -f3- > ~files/packages/installed_on_raspberrypi.txt how can ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
4 votes
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systemctl daemon-reload issue

Since a last update, I get the follow message every day via mail: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: Warning: Unit file of apache2.service changed on disk, 'systemctl daemon-reload' recommended. I tried ...
zwolle-rdstk's user avatar
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Brand-new 32GB flash drive unmounts randomly, in an matter of minutes

I purchased a new flash drive, and mounted it to my pi in two steps: Step one: Get the drive ID: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ Result: total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 22 22:17 04DC-AE7F -&...
Rich's user avatar
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Start NGINX Server at Login?

I have an NGINX server (used for RTMP) installed on a Raspberry Pi3 running the latest version of Raspbian (as of this writing). I would like to have the NGINX server start automatically when the Pi ...
Question Asker's user avatar
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Cronjob to send temperature alert via SMS

I am doing a small project on my RPi. I already created a website that shows the temperature. The temperature is updated every minute with a cronjob and stored in a .txt file. Now I want to be ...
MrGT _'s user avatar
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Cron job not running ruby script

I have a cron job running a ruby script, here is crontab * * * * * /usr/bin/ruby /home/pi/runbot.rb permissions look like this pi@pi $ ls -l runbot.rb -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 859 Aug 26 14:16 runbot.rb ...
JanuskaE's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to automatically run a Python GPIO script at boot?

I am using Raspbian. I have created a Python GPIO script which is supposed to run at the time of the boot. I have tried to use @reboot in sudo crontab -e. Unfortunately, it is not working at all. I ...
Ashwin Pajankar's user avatar
3 votes
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Cron jobs and python scripts

On Raspbian, I created a crontab file using the following command: sudo crontab -e Added the following lines to cron @reboot /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/dev/bootscripts/ipchecker/ 0 * * * *...
Jorge Vidinha's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Code/Cron to detect low power and safe shutdown on GPIO

I've made a portable wildlife camera which uses a 8 x AA UBEC battery pack and I am looking for a way to safely shut down the RPi when the power starts to get low. Is there currently any code that I ...
Ryan Lloyd's user avatar
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2 answers

Running shell script in cron

I am using ubuntu in rapsberry pi 2. I want my script to be ran after I login because it is a GUI program. I have tried to edit /etc/profile and it runs the program before enter the desktop so it ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

Why crontab choose to execute one of the command over other?

So, basically I am using wiringPI library and its sample code for ds1302 chip. It works great by the way - writing and reading to and from ds1302 chip is a breeze. I can initiate PI's date and time ...
ThN's user avatar
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Raspberry Cron don't work [duplicate]

Every 15 minutes, I need to run a PHP script. So I created a file containing this line: #!/bin/sh php execute.php >> twitter.log When I run the script manually, it works. Oddly, ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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3 answers

Launch python file and run continually at start up and reboot

I cannot seem to get any of the options out there to work. I am trying to auto start a py file when the Raspberry Pi boots up. I need it to stay open and running continuously as it detects knock ...
Ryan D's user avatar
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1 answer

Crontab does not execute python script [duplicate]

I have a DSB18B20 temperature sensor and would like to log the readings in a csv file. I have a script that stores the readings in a file. The file starts with #!/usr/bin/python That works....
idkfa's user avatar
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Crontab on Rpi not running Python script

I have a simple problem that I cannot seem to find an answer to even though I have done some research. I am trying to run a python script via crontab (I have never worked with crontab before this haha)...
RPiNoob_16's user avatar
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Crontab inexplicably restored to default

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 model B running Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy). It has been running flawlessly for months and does a bunch of cronjobs. A few run every minute. Some run Once or twice a day. ...
BryanK's user avatar
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FTP file upload [closed]

What cron settings send local file (/home/pi/file.txt) upload via vsftpd (ftp://server/file.txt)? I am using a Rapsberry Pi 3 with raspbian jessie, apache, mysql, php5, vsftpd.
user2851761's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Cron not call sh script [closed]

Works: crontab -e * * * * * date >> /home/pi/scripts/test.log Doesn't Work: crontab -e * * * * * /home/pi/scripts/ #!/bin/hash * * * * * date >> /home/pi/...
user2851761's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi randomly crashes due to python script

I asked this question in January here on the platform and thought that the reason for my Pi crashing was the raspistill script I used. This turned out to be a false positive. After some hassle and ...
Bent's user avatar
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Apache web-server interface to schedule GPIO tasks

So, here is what I am looking to accomplish. I have a Pi with an Apache webserver running with a home automation page. I also have a relay board and multiple lights hooked up, (using the GPIO pins on ...
Nickuww's user avatar
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Raspbian jessie - cronjob doesn`t work

I know there are aready many questions about this topic, but no answer could solve my problem. I use a Raspberry Pi B+ with the operating System Raspbian Jessie. The Raspberry is said to synchronize ...
user avatar
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Cronjob is set to run every 5 minutes but runs every minute

I have a problem with my python script. It looks like this: #!/usr/bin/python import time import serial import datetime import sys Y ='%Y')[3] filedate = datetime....
BallerNacken's user avatar
2 votes
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Game Server Lag Every 2 Minutes or So on Raspi 2

I run a DarkPlaces Quake server on my Raspberry Pi 2. Every 2 minutes or so, there is a massive lag spike in game play, but it's fine when it's not doing that. I have checked crontab, but neither my ...
SpecialBomb's user avatar
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Cron Job running, but python script not executing on my RPi

I'm having a bit of problem with my cron job on my RaspberryPi. It's a python script requesting json data from a bitcoin exchange, and packing them into a tarball. When executing the script from ...
deepbrook's user avatar
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When to call script that can capture IP in python

I'm trying to show my local IP on an LCD during startup. My script worked fine during normal testing via the command line, but when called at startup it doesn't seem to be able to fetch the IP. I ...
EDP's user avatar
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Using Wiringpi in crontab to control GPIO pins on RaspberryPi

I am trying to create a cronjob, which sets the GPIO pin 10 to high at a given time. I am using the crontab of the default user "pi" and have verified, that the command gpio -g write 10 1 works ...
user3191334's user avatar
2 votes
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Where is the cronfile located? [closed]

I am writing a python program to go on the raspberry pi. I am currently making an installation script that will as part of its installation process, add a line on cron so that it will automatically ...
user3346931's user avatar