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I want to use NRF24L01 transceiver with raspberry pi but some GPIO pins are already occupied by 3.5 inch display how do i connect transceiver

26 GPIO pins are already used by 3.5 inch display some of these occupied pins are needed to connect transceiver. I am using NRF24L01 for wireless communication between raspberryPi and arduino can i ...
Anuragverma2804's user avatar
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GPIO pins with pijuice hat

I am currently building a website controlled bb8 based on a raspberry pi 4b, and 2 12v motors controlled by a wma4000 relays module(4 relays, 2 for each motor are used to move forward and backwards). ...
Claus de la Guardia's user avatar
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Sending Integer Value From Arduino Transmitter to Raspberry Pi Receiver Using NRF24L01+pa

I am currently stuck in getting the integer value from Arduino to Raspberry Pi using NRF24L01+pa. Here are my codes arduino.ino (transmitter) #include <RF24Network.h> #include <RF24.h> #...
Jeremy Ang's user avatar
1 vote
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2 LCD screens 1 raspberry3B+

I got a raspberry pi 3 B+ and two small LCD screens, this one and this one The first is attached on the gpio pins, the second one on the hdmi port the problem is they are just mirroring each other, ...
Claudio Bonifazi's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Windows GPIO Control

I installed Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi development board. I will read/write by specifying input/output from Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. I know on Raspbian OS but I haven't done it with Windows before. Can ...
Enes Orhan's user avatar
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How can I figure out my Python code with Kivy and Raspberry Pi GPIO?

I try to add actionbar to all screenmanagers in Kivy 2.1.0. I found some solution to my problem but I added some more features like GPIO pinout from Raspberry Pi. Here is a solution without gpio. I ...
yottabyte's user avatar
-1 votes
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signaling Raspberry Pi with PLC

I want to give signal via PLC to Raspberry Pi and when the raspberry pi gets that signal, it should run the python script and when the python script execute properly and cycle is completed, it should ...
dsp's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry PI noise reduction on analogue sensors

I am trying to reduce noise on an analogue sensor. I have scanned many forums for answers and spent multiple hours / days on finding the optimum solution. I am using ACS712-based sensors and the need ...
Herman Badenhorst's user avatar
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Minicom not working

I am trying to connect my Pi 4 running Rasbian 2020 to an Arduino, after making all the connections I try to communicate with the Arduino by using Minicom. However, Minicom doe not respond to anything ...
Beulah Akindele's user avatar
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Consistent Motor control - specifically 180 degrees

I am struggling to get my motors to perform the same on each run. The first time I run the program, they will perform the same movement about 8/10 times. The second time I start the program, the ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
1 vote
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I2C detectable but stopped working - using RasPi 3B, RaspbianOS (and MatLab/Simulink)

Dear community, I'm almost at my wit's end and would be so happy to receive help. It would be a great Christmas present to me if some of you take the time to read and provide inquiry, knowledge or ...
Nep's user avatar
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How can I connect raspberry Pi 4 to submersible water pump

I recently handle a part of my team project which is hand sanitizer part came up with the idea of using a raspberry pi to power and control the hand sanitizer system. It's nothing large scale, but I ...
Hakim Hakiemi's user avatar
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How do you program a 1x4 Matrix Keypad in Raspberry pi?

I bought a 1x4 Matrix Keypad
Zabee123's user avatar
2 votes
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Audio output on Raspberry pi Zero W

I was trying to take an audio output from piZero-W, the article I followed was, this one. How to get audio through the gpio pins to a 3.5mm jack? When running - systemctl status alsa-state the result ...
Lawliet's user avatar
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Why is my python script stopping after 1 month?

I'm running three python scripts on a Pi 4 Model B. These scripts are ran from boot using the '.config/autostart function'. I have a batch script placed in 'autostart' which then in turn starts the ...
JWalk's user avatar
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Using same GPIO pins simultaneously from two Python scripts using RPi.GPIO

I have two different scripts. One is a Kivy app and another is a MQTT client script that subscribes to topics received from a web server. The same hardware connected to the GPIO pins can be used from ...
Shakeeb Ahmad's user avatar
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Hardcode RF Codes - RPi-RF

I would like to use the rpi-rf module for a remote control alert system, using a PIR motion sensor as the input. I have so far set up the PIR input and send and ...
John Conor's user avatar
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wiringPi compile issue on RPi 4B 64bit

I am trying to compile my C++ project using CMake. My Raspberry Pi OS does include /usr/include/wiringPi.h and all the required .so files in /usr/lib/. Here is the output of gpio -v command: gpio ...
zlg's user avatar
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How to take out the noises of the servo motor?

I am using the 3b+ raspberry, while the accelerometer is acquiring data the servo is creating some noises which may give false readings. Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of these noises? I am ...
Mohamad Dabdoub's user avatar
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Bluetooth Ignition need help smoothing out functionality

I have been working on a Bluetooth authorized push to start the ignition in my truck. Right now it's installed and working but I would like to change the function of the button and shorten the time it ...
Citsk6's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi and ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04

So I have my Raspberry Pi, I watched a YouTube tutorial on what to do. I copied absolutely everything, but still, it's not working. The wiring is surely correct as it is copied from the video and the ...
Martin's user avatar
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LED strip works through Arduino PWM, but not Raspberry Pi PWM

I've been stuck on this for a while. I'm following a simple tutorial for RPi-controlled LEDs. From this, my LEDs do random stuff and don't light up correctly. I've been trying strandtest from this ...
errolflynn's user avatar
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setup pi3 to work with embedded modem through TXD RXD

how can I configure pi3 (GPIO ) connected to embedded modem through (UART Pin 8-Pin 10)TXD RXD? and how can write python code to control with modem?
Same Abazed's user avatar
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4 answers

GPIO pins not changing state

I have Raspberry pi 4B, and I want to interact with the GPIO pins. I connected simple LED wiring to physical pin's 37(GPIO25) and 39(GND). After exported pin, and set up mode to "out", I ...
revBull's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 B I2C is enabled but does not work

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 B and I'm trying to set up in I2C Connection with an MCP23018-E/SP I/O-Port-Expander via GPIO02 and GPIO03. I have enabled I2c on the Raspi by: adding: dtparam=i2c1=on ...
PJ_2810's user avatar
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How can I know the serial port of the device of outside (UART)? Not USB

I want to ask. How do I know the serial port of the external UART from Raspberry Pi. This is a sensor. I connected the wire to the Raspberry Pi. But I can't find which is activate port. I searched ...
Boxun LU's user avatar
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2 answers

How to measure raspberry pi energy consumption through programs

Is any Device available in the market that can measure the raspberry pi energy consumption and has a mechanism to read that information from my own program? I explored the specifications of USB meter ...
SAROJ PANDA's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

GPIO 3.3 V signal still readable after inputting high resistance values

I recently obtained a raspberry pi 4 (8GB) and I am trying to understand the GPIO behavior and ran into an event that I don't understand. I have set-up a simple script that allows pin 36 (GPIO 16) to ...
Maxime's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

connect raspberry pi to fax machine

I want to connect raspberry to fax machine , because I want cypher message before transmit via landline phone . how can do it , how can interface between rasp and fax machine ?
Same Abazed's user avatar
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How to Disable Hardware SPI Chip Enable/Chip Select?

I'm setting up a Raspberry Pi 4b with a number of Adafruit chips, and thus have used their CircuitPython library to control SPI communication. They've conveniently set up a way to use any GPIO pins as ...
Brian's user avatar
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Reading ECU via XCP with RPi

Hello is it possible to connect my RPi with the ECU of lets say my car over OBD interface and XCP and if yes how would I start such a project? I would like to apply remote analysis of my local ...
V.Hunon's user avatar
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Mirror imaging the Raspbian desktop for GPIO screens

How can I make the raspbian desktop look like I am viewing in front of a mirror? (basically backwards) I've already looked in the documentation for config.txt (here is a link) and tried to use rotate, ...
Bob Joe's user avatar
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Rpi 4 not booting after adding new i2c bus. changes made in config.txt

I made changes in config.txt to add a new i2c bus to connect a serial display as a temperature sensor is already connected to the default i2c bus. I took the following steps: Enabled i2c in Rpi ...
Vishal Kumar's user avatar
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problems lighting up LED on pi 3

HI i am new tp pi and python and wanted to create something that simply turns on and off a led. It does not seem to work and not sure why? here is the python script: from gpiozero import LED, ...
Jono's user avatar
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Rasberry Pi 3 Pi4j does not work for digital pins other than RaspiPin.GPIO_07

I am trying to get a led working with the Raspberry Pin 3 model B+ with Raspbian. I am using Java Pi4j library this way: GpioPinDigitalOutput digitalOutputPin = GpioFactory.getInstance()....
MABC's user avatar
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Scaling down Raspbian for Adafruit PiTFT 1.14"

I want to use the Adafruit PiTFT (click here) 1.14" with the Raspbian Desktop. How can I scale the Raspbian Desktop down so that it will be normally sized on the 240x135 px screen? An example with ...
Bob Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Communication between 2 raspberry pi's

I am trying to communicate between 2 raspberry pi's (3B and 3B+), through Gpio's (not uart, just as input output). So I am making a gpio on one Pi as Input and on the other Pi as output. So can I ...
Prajwal's user avatar
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Selectively disable i2c on Rasbian Buster

I want to disable i2c0 while keeping i2c1 active. Everything I can find either disables or enables both, but I haven't found a way to only activate one of them.
Dakkaron's user avatar
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LIRC null values, Raspbian Buster

I tried to install an IR receiver on my Pi 3B under Raspbien Buster, kernel 4.19. I managed to install lirc, and when I use mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 I read pulses. The problem is the following : when I ...
BDeliers's user avatar
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Removing 3.5inch touchscreen and going back to HDMI out

I installed a 3.5inch touchscreen onto my pi 3 model b+, it came with a wee card of the setup lines etc. That was sometime ago, and now I need to revert the system back to being HDMI output. I’ve ...
Damo's user avatar
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3 answers

How fast I can read at raspberry pi 3 model b's GPIO

I want to read the output of OV7670 camera module that produces 8-bit output at a very high frequency. The output pixel clock frequency is around 8MHz. I have to sample those 8-bit data at raspberry ...
HEMASAI KUMAR's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 0's GPIO not working (no output)

So I used to use a Raspberry Pi 3B to control my LED strip. It was, of course, an overkill but a fun project. I now want to do the same but with a Raspberry Pi Zero w. I got one, soldered the GPIO ...
Baptise's user avatar
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What's the maximum rf fm signal that i can generate using raspberry pi?

I am planning to create a raspberry pi based monitoring system where my raspberry pi acts as a transmitter. I learned that we can use pi to generate FM signals from RPiTX project. I am planning to ...
Madhevan Ramalingam's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Rpi receive serial/UART data through GPIO pin?

Can I receive data which is transmitted through UART port from a transmitter side raspberry pi on a receiver side Raspberry pi's GPIO pin??
kunal 's user avatar
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Voice-enabled QnA bot [closed]

I want to develop a custom voice-enabled QnA bot. I am relatively new to the raspberry pi. I want to know if such a project is possible with this kind of hardware that raspberry pi offers. Please ...
Shubham Arora's user avatar
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writing into fifo file and reading it

1.Transmitter side code: A)Recording audio into fifo file(no need to create fifo file separately arecord command will create fifo file): import os os.system('arecord -D plughw:1,0 -d 0 --rate=19200 ...
kunal 's user avatar
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Use a 2.5" LCD in a Blaupunkt Dashcam for Raspberry Pi?

and thank you for reading my topic. I recently bought a "2.5" LCD HD Dashcam" from the Blaupunkt brand (BPDV122), although I am aware they have just used this design from another company. https://www....
PB_'s user avatar
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Raspberry Pi button bug, what is happening?

I am new user of raspberry pi. I have two buttons, and some code to run, yet the led will not react to the buttons. It's probably a easy fix, but keep in mind, I am new to robotic and have only ...
Robotechnology's user avatar
1 vote
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How to connect EEPROM to Raspberry Pi 3? [closed]

I was wondering on how to connect an EEPROM chip to the Raspberry Pi 3? And any suggestions on which EEPROM chip model is best to use with RPi3?
Shawn Khoo's user avatar
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txd and rxd pins with same numbers at the end of name

So I was looking at alternate functions of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi 3b+ and found that some GPIO pins do support txd and rxd alternate functions. However some are named txd0/rxd0 and some are ...
aldo's user avatar
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