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46 votes

Does the Pi 4 resolve the Ethernet+USB bottleneck issue of past versions?

Yes, it resolves it. “While Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ added Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, throughput on Raspberry Pi 4 is free from the single shared USB 2.0 channel to the SoC.” (https://www....
Matthew Peyton's user avatar
29 votes

Raspberry Pi 3 - eth0 wrongfully named 'enx...'

raspi-config is easiest method. If you are on Raspbian then it's installed by default. But if you are on Ubuntu, Mint or Mate then you can install it with command below: sudo apt-get install raspi-...
Almas Dusal's user avatar
26 votes

Raspberry Pi 3 - eth0 wrongfully named 'enx...'

This solution only works if you're seeing an odd network interface device like env{hwdaddress} when running $ ifconfig -a instead of eth0. I tried all the common answers about adding rules but only ...
Luis Godinez's user avatar
14 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

To elaborate the answer from @cachius: the OUI has changed from B8-27-EB (hex) Raspberry Pi Foundation B827EB (base 16) Raspberry Pi Foundation Mitchell Wood ...
Ingo's user avatar
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13 votes

Connect raspberry pi to pc (ubuntu) with ethernet

simple way: connect raspberry pi to laptop with Ethernet. Go the edit connection setting. Navigate to ipv4 option. Select method : shared to other computer. Then open command prompt and type command ...
jitendra sonawane's user avatar
7 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

"Current" data for Raspberry Pi devices: MA-L/OUI MAC address prefixes: 6 28:CD:C1 2C:CF:67 B8:27:EB D8:3A:DD DC:A6:32 E4:5F:01 MA-L: Mac Address Block Large (previously named OUI). Number ...
Adam Howell's user avatar
6 votes

Official "securing your pi" guide recommends blocking port 30 from - why?

In the preface of Securing your Raspberry Pi the author says: This documentation will describe some ways of improving the security of your Raspberry Pi. This is followed by a conglomeration of ...
Fabian's user avatar
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6 votes

Building a 'Packet squirrel" using Raspberry Pi

To make a man in the middle attacker with a Raspberry Pi 3B(+) or 4B is very simple. You will use an additional USB/ethernet dongle so you have a second wired interface eth1 available. Now just bridge ...
Ingo's user avatar
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5 votes

Pi Headless: How to confirm that the Pi is shut down

In Raspberry Pi 3 you can trun off the PWR LED with echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness If the Pi is shut down, the LED will turn on again.
Christian's user avatar
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5 votes

Connect raspberry pi to pc (ubuntu) with ethernet

The comment of @goldilocks points out the solution! +1 for that (as soon as I have enough reputation). Raspbian has the SSH server disabled by default, since November 2016, so you'll have to turn it ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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5 votes

Manually change MAC address on USB to ethernet module Pi Zero

based in information found here sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/ <<EOF [Match] MACAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00 [Link] MACAddress=00:00:00:00:00:01 EOF replace 00:00:00:00:00:00 with ...
Jaromanda X's user avatar
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4 votes

Connecting two Raspberry Pi's via Ethernet

The simplest way to hook up the two Pi's is to have a cat5e/cat6 cross over cable of sufficient length configure each Pi to have a unique static IP within the same network by editing the /etc/...
Shreyas Murali's user avatar
4 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

The below script can be used to find any vendor by Mac: Raspberry Pi or otherwise. Just supply the vendor's name as it's specified in the IEEE's MAC DB: "" in ...
F1Linux's user avatar
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4 votes

Force RPi3B Ethernet to connect gigabit

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B does NOT support gigabit ethernet. Only Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ does.
kwasmich's user avatar
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4 votes

Static IP Issues For wlan0 and eth0

I wanted to update this with what I found to work in case any lost and weary Googlers are running into this issue. Thanks to @Ingo for the link references metrics. I had no luck in adjusting the ...
Justin's user avatar
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4 votes

Why did Pi-4's port layout change?

According to the launch announcement it was to simplify routing: Our Gigabit Ethernet magjack has moved to the top right of the board, from the bottom right, greatly simplifying PCB routing. https://...
CoderMike's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

It is worth noting that the MAC-48 number applies to the Network Interface and not the Host device and thus the B8:27:EB applies only to the wired EtherNet interface on older Raspberry Pi devices that ...
SlySven's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

To add to what @Ingo said, they actually have a third OUI now: E4-5F-01 Not sure why that happened either, but I have hardware with a MAC with that OUI. I'd have commented that, but don't have enough ...
ajs124's user avatar
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3 votes

Automatically add hotplug network interface to bridge

So it occured to me that telling /etc/network/interfaces to "manually" add the network interface eth0 to my br0 bridge may answer my question: yes, indeed, this works. So my /etc/network/interfaces ...
TheDiveO's user avatar
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3 votes

Extra gigabit ethernet to raspberry PI B+

The question is why you need 5 Gb ports on a 1.5 GHz machine. No way a r-pi can handle or generate that much data. If the 5 port ethernet switch Ingo proposed to you isn't what you need, your best ...
rmustakos's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the difference using RS485 or tcp/ip connection?

(guessing from info in link) The "BU unit" appears to connect to the "CU units" (which actually control the locks) through RS 485, which sounds a like a interface which could be using a proprietary ...
Wilf's user avatar
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3 votes

Connecting to RPi from Linux with the ethernet cable without touching RPi

Connect your pi to your network with the Ethernet cable and power up. Next, find the Pis IP address Then connect with a terminal:ssh pi@ADDRESS It will ask you about the new ECDSA key, accept and ...
Craig's user avatar
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3 votes

Connecting to RPi from Linux with the ethernet cable without touching RPi

You can connect a computer via a direct Ethernet connection and ssh using a Link-local address with ssh [email protected] (assuming user Pi and unchanged hostname). This connection has some ...
Milliways's user avatar
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3 votes

Where does the Raspberry Pi Ethernet MAC get generated?

Here's something I came up with that probably does what you want What this does is get the serial number of the pi (32 bit number from /proc/cpuinfo or OTP location 28) - the last 24 bits of which ...
Jaromanda X's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi 3 with Chromebook offline over Ethernet Cable

There is no need to do much configuration when using an ethernet cable. With default Raspbian Stretch everything works out of the box. Just flash the image, and boot it on your RasPi. If there is a ...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

When socket programming on raspberry pi, getting ConnectionRefusedError

Your host code is host = `` while the client code is host = '' As you say connecting with telnet works, the address of the host must be, so the client should ...
RalfFriedl's user avatar
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3 votes

SSH - Not able to ssh from my laptop to raspberry after rebooting the pi

Anything that stops the connection process is a possible cause. No physical Ethernet connection (bad cable, lose connector, switch off, etc.) Not connecting to the actual IP of the Pi (static vs DHCP)...
Chad Farmer's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to make a WIFI to LAN Bridge with the RaspberryPi3b and Bridge Utils?

For a Raspberry Pi you will never find an explanation how you can bridge a wired interface with a WiFi interface used for a client connection to another hotspot. Also Bridge Utils cannot do it. Please ...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to enable 1 Gbit ethernet on RPi 2, 3, 4?

Only the Pi4 can do 1 Gbit over the built in ethernet.
CoderMike's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the possible OUIs for the Ethernet MAC address?

The Raspberry Pi 4 has DC:A6:32:xx:xx:xx (Raspberry Pi Trading) according to the Raspberry Pi Forums.
cachius's user avatar
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