GCC and makefile on Raspberry Pi running NOOBS deletes my c file
The -o option to gcc specifies the name to be given to the executable. You are saying name the executable as the input source code. That is almost certainly an error.
Makefile file format not recognized when using cross compiler
There are no build rules for the object files you list as dependencies, so Make compiles them using its default rule, using g++, i.e. the native compiler, not the cross-compiler. You then try to link ...
Problem trying to build 32bit kernel with Pi OS Lite 32 on Pi4B hardware
even though I've specified KERNEL=kernel7l
Those instructions from https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/linux_kernel.html have a problem.
$ cd linux
$ KERNEL=kernel7
$ make ...
Makefile file format not recognized when using cross compiler
The problem is that you set CC for the cross compiler, but you need to set CXX to set the C++ cross compiler. Since you didn't change that, it used the native C++ compiler, and the object files are ...
Cross compiling and sysroot
I can't answer your question, but I've been trying to do the same thing, and removing the SYSROOT setting (despite everything else I've read saying it was needed) was the key I needed. I can now ...
Make Error (trying to install openOCD)
I was able to resolve my problem following the installation steps mentioned in this tutorial.
From the tutorial, I did the following (after reflashing Raspian to my SD):
$ sudo apt-get build-dep ...
Installing thermal printer on raspbian jessie (make failing)
Have you made sure that the necessary packages are installed? If not, try sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev.
Anyways, are you using exactly the specific printer the CUPS filter is ...
How to compile PrimePoolMiner on Raspberry Pi
You seem to be missing Boost libraries, so the next step would be to install those:
apt-get install libboost-all-dev
PS. You may want to take a look in this thread if you have further issues. The ...
what's the purpose of objcopy command?
ELF is a file format for executable programs. When you compile code, the binary instructions are placed into this format so that the operating system (eg, Linux) can run it. It has lots of sections ...
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