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4 votes

Edimax EW-7811un driver: wext or nl80211?

You are confusing two types of driver. The driver for the firmware (rtl8192cu) of the wifi device has nothing to do with the driver backend of wpa_supplicant (nl80211). Let's explain in detail. ...
Ingo's user avatar
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4 votes

Access wpa_supplicant inside docker

wpa_supplicant will not be running in the container unless you start it. A major difference between docker containers and a normal environment is that there are no system services running in the ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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3 votes

nmcli not detecting any network on R Pi 3 (controlled via SSH Ethernet)

Neither Network Manager (used by nmcli) nor old style networking with ifupdown is supported out of the box by Raspbian. For network connections it uses dhcpcd by default. You should look at /etc/...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi 3/Raspbian 11 : Network Manager not working properly

AFAIK, dhcpcd remains (at least for now) the default network manager for RPi. There was a recent RPi News article explaining the current status of dhcpcd (a.k.a. NetworkConfiguration vs Network ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

How to automatically connect to a known wifi and if it doesn't find it, connect to LAN Ethernet?

This is a typical failover scenario and this is handled by bonding. You can find information at Debian - bonding. Here for example I have made a tested configuration with Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 3 ...
Ingo's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I configure Wi-Fi credentials for an access point that is not in range?

You can configure it as long as you know the SSID and the credentials. A more detailed process is listed here, but the basics are to create/modify /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with contents similar to : ...
BowlOfRed's user avatar
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2 votes

WI-FI interface displayed as "device not ready" in nm-applet

If you want to use Network Manager you need to disable the default Raspbian dhcpcd network management tool. The 2 systems are incompatible. There is no advantage in Network Manager, and it does not ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

network manager dbus interface calls for wireless doesnt work on raspbian

It seems that other network managing packages prevent Network Manager to access wireless. For me the issue resolved by removing dhcpcd5 and openresolve packages : sudo apt-get remove --purge ...
payman's user avatar
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2 votes

Bridging wifi to ethernet with NetworkManager

The following worked for me: sudo nmcli c add con-name custom-shared-con type ethernet ifname eth0 ipv4.method shared ipv6.method ignore sudo nmcli c up custom-shared-con This creates a DHCP server ...
theicfire's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote

NetworkManager: WiFi access point disable internet connection sharing

It turns out the solution was much simpler than I anticipated. Basically you need dnsmasq in order to manually control the hotspot DHCP server with NetworkManager and there's no way around it. Stop ...
demonstrably_false's user avatar
1 vote

What could cause a only Raspberry Pi3 devices to lose WiFi connectivity regularly?

This problem appears to have been related to the group key handshake timeout. The 38 minute repeatability appears to be linked to the time at which the AP renewed the keys: every 3600 seconds. Setting ...
Aaron Ciuffo's user avatar
1 vote

Setting Metric on Bookworm

The command nmcli connection edit WiFi… puts you in interactive mode. nmcli connection show will show you existing connections & what it chooses to call them (which is not standardised) e.g. if ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

Raspbian and Netgear 779s LTE modem

What helped me debug this issue was using this route testing command, to realize the default gateway was off. My IP for the modem interface was and the default gateway should've been 10.0.0....
clearscreen's user avatar
1 vote

Raspi Connect to WIFI via Python os shell commands

I could solve it myself. Here's the function I wrote which connects to a given WIFI via ssid and password. It is a bit workaround-like but it works for me so far. Just make sure that the line numbers ...
Felix_N's user avatar
1 vote

Rapsberry pi cannot connect to internet or ping any device on network when connected to specific router

It appears you've installed one or more network management packages that you don't need, and that they are now working at cross purposes to each other. The default networking package for Raspberry Pi ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

Restrict PI to LAN only on specific interface

Here's seems to be a simple solution - use nogateway keyword - reference dhcpcd.conf man(5): nogateway Don't install any default routes. gateway Install a default route if available (default).
Nazar's user avatar
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Raspbian buster read-only system with nmcli issue - No plugin supported adding this connection

Run your rw alias, and then create a test file, e.g. touch ~/testfile. Then reboot and check if the test file is still there. If there is no test file, your rw command is not working as expected, ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Manually enable a device using NetworkManager

How can I use nmcli to enable my wlan0 device? You need to use iproute2 commands to bring UP/DOWN the network interfaces: ip link set wlan0 down ip link set wlan0 up Then check the device status: ...
GAD3R's user avatar
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Best way to automatically reconnect to Wifi? NetworkManager?

I have several Pi's that run 24/7 and they will automatically reconnect when the wifi is available (I deliberately have my wifi networks turn off at night when there is no need for them to be on). I ...
PeteC's user avatar
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Over WiFi, I can establish a SSH connection but there is no internet connection

As shown by your outputs DNS name resolution does not work. That isn't surprising by your mix up of different network management systems. You have openvpn-systemd-resolved installed together with ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Setting Up A Raspberry Pi As A Wi-Fi Router

There are a lot of tutorials on the net for transforming the pi into a router / hotspot. Example I Example II Example III and google will produce many more. But Like I said in comment: As @Milliways ...
Obmerk Kronen's user avatar
1 vote

3G modem connects and ping is working, can't access web

As Chad Farmer mentioned the issue was with having two default routes (Destination So assuming that you have the same issue and route -n output that looks like this: Kernel IP routing table ...
xmichaelx's user avatar
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Network Manager Gnome Wifi sharing not portable

Why are you using networkmanager? It is, of course, possible to replace dhcpcd (which is the default for Raspbian) with networkmanager, but getting support to work in the GUI is far from ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

There is no eth0 when I input ifconfig

The string "enxb827eb844b0c" consists of your Ethernet card MAC address. you can change its name to "eth0" as I do after installation ( using a script ). Using command line, locate eth alias in file ...
guyd's user avatar
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There is no eth0 when I input ifconfig

This is NORMAL for Stretch. You do not need to do anything, the Pi should work as normal. If you want to understand WHY and for other options see How do I set up networking/WiFi/Static IP PS There ...
Milliways's user avatar
  • 61.5k

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