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How to use Rpi python to control PCM1802 24-bit HiFi stereo ADC and MAX4466 microphone amplifier

Answer Introduction I am a PCM1802 24-bit ADC newbie, never used it before. It is a complicated device and its operation needs a long explanation. For now, I am only trying to give quick and dirty ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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5 votes

How to increase mic input volume?

Hey so I know that this is late but I actually found a good answer! This is my first post too so I am going to try my best. I found this information on the website PiMyLifeUp. The link to the article ...
Tylan's user avatar
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4 votes

is it possible to connect a USB microphone to Pi Pico

So you would need to be a USB host and support UAC2. The driver that the raspberry pi pico has is tiny USB and that currently doesn't support UAC2 in host mode. You can be a device, so you could be ...
used_up_user's user avatar
3 votes

Connect a Microphone to Raspberry Pi Pico ADC Pins

I think this blog post details almost exactly what you want to do. They connect an analogue microphone to one of the ADC pins on the pico. The ADC then samples the raw voltage from the analogue ...
Jamie Macaulay's user avatar
3 votes

Reducing sound noise when recording with Pi

Answer (moved from comments, to tidy up later) I appreciate you experiment results very much. I also have noise problems in my projects. (1) I often use Lipo power banks (18650 x 3) 12VDC and step ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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Connecting 50 Microphones on a raspberry pi

Question How to connect Rpi to 50 microphones? How to store a few seconds of analog audio signal on the SD card? Need a multiplexer? if so, how many? Short Answer A quick and dirty ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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How can I amplify my voice in real time just like a microphone does?

to amplify my voice just like a normal microphone does. I have a sound sensor and speaker. Yes, you can use Rpi python to control both microphone and loudspeaker. I have written python code to ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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2 votes

Using a bluetooth headset as both audio and mic on a raspberry pi

According to the website you linked, the headset supports the following profiles: A2DP: allows multimedia audio to be streamed to a headset AVRCP HFP HSP: for audio communication with a headset In ...
David's user avatar
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How to command the raspberry pi to mute and unmute its microphone

If you are building voice assistant, instead of muting microphone. I suggest to disable / enable the wake word listener. If you are using MyCroft, then MyPrecise is the work word listener which you ...
ismail's user avatar
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How to command the raspberry pi to mute and unmute its microphone

Try amixer: amixer sset 'Capture' cap amixer sset 'Capture' nocap You may have to find out the control name for the microphone in your setup if you use additional hardware. amixer scontrols will list ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

Connect a Microphone to Raspberry Pi Pico ADC Pins

Yes, you can actually hook up an analog electret mic and use Pi Pico's inbuilt ADC to convert to Digital values. Then you need to convert those PCM values to suitable PDM values which can be fed into ...
Jaskaran Bhogal's user avatar
2 votes

How can Rpi Pico W control a GPIO pin connected, I2C digital MEMS microphone?

Question How can PicoW read MEMS digital microphone output? Answer Update 2023jan19hkt1316 17.0 For the preliminary testing, I am only considering PLL A and Clock 0: MicroPython Si5351 GitHub 16.0 ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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Can I stack multiple different HATs on RaspberryPi4?

I wasn't able to get the ports each HAT will be using for the ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array and the 12-Bit/8-Channel ADC HAT. But I'm pretty sure you won't be able to do so because of an overlap in the pins ...
aditya's user avatar
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Raspberry to capture cetaceans sounds

Can I directly connect a microphone to my raspberry pi? This all depends on how you want to connect a microphone to your RPI, and what kind of hardware you will use. For example, I have a microphone ...
GChuf's user avatar
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1 vote

Connecting 4 digital MEMS microphones with raspberry pi 4

This is not an answer to your question, but you may find some of the information helpful in your research: There are at least 264 Q&As here re I2S. Start with that, and narrow the list. For ...
Seamus's user avatar
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How to connect four analog microphones to Raspberry Pi GPIO?

The Pi has no analogue GPIO. You need additional circuitry between the Pi's digital GPIO and the microphones. The simplest way would be to add a SPI based ADC such as the MCP3008.
joan's user avatar
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Truly All-in-One computer based on RPi

According to specifications 1 the Raspberry PI has neither an amplifier to support larger speakers, nor an ADC with amplifier for sound input from a microphone. So you must connect some additional ...
Hannes's user avatar
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Minimum possible resolution for instrumentation

Consumer microphones are made for audible sound range and will therefore be useless above ~20kHz, no matter how fast you sample. You should use specialized receivers, similar to those the famous HC-...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Connecting the pi to a phone using a RJ11 cable to send and receive audio

What you erroneously refer to as a "RJ11 cable" is in fact a 8P8C modular connector and CAT5/6 cable. The 8P8C connector on many Pi models is used for Ethernet over twisted pair. This uses a ...
Milliways's user avatar
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How to use Rpi python to control PCM1802 24-bit HiFi stereo ADC and MAX4466 microphone amplifier

I have a Raspberry Pi running with a PCM1803 Board that has an I2S Interface and seems to be similar to this PCM1802 Board. The difference is that my board has a Clock Generator included. So you need ...
Carla Schneider's user avatar
1 vote

Voice conferencing between Pi 4 and laptop

In this case, you have a lot of solutions. WebRTC is the one that I recommend to you. Configure the RPi as a WebRTC end-point Install Apache and git: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ...
Mohi Rostami's user avatar
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Rpi Webrtc echo cancellation - aec

There is an option that the AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) you are trying to use is not capable of handling the echo tail in your system. I suggest to start by measuring the echo tail in your system....
Tim's user avatar
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Multiple microphone recording

You can use a USB from analog audio converter for analog microphones, but it is easier and probably cheaper to just use USB microphones. They will already include the converter part.
RalfFriedl's user avatar
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Using Earphones/Headphones with mic to give voice commands in DIY alexa on raspberryPi zero/3b/3b+

Yes you can connect an analog 3.5mm mic via a USB sound card to your Raspberry Pi. And Yes you can use a Bluetooth speaker to play sound from a Raspberry Pi. Ref.: GUI method: https://www....
MatsK's user avatar
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