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5 votes

gstreamer video output on pi framebuffer without X

The one way you can output directly to the frame buffer is using fbdevsink, e.g.: gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! fbdevsink The fbdevsink can be found in the gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad package.
Dmitry's user avatar
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4 votes

Prevent text console from periodically switching to boot screen

In thanks to Gerard's answer I was able to find a comment in that bug chain with a successful workaround to this problem, it took me some time to find so I will provide it here for anyone else ...
candoizo's user avatar
3 votes

Problem using vlc without X

I have found out that in addition to vlc-bin, installing vlc-plugin-base (~500 Mbyte) solves my problem. Writing cvlc /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264 now displays the video. But isn't there ...
Eddy Sorngard's user avatar
3 votes

How to use I2C SSD1306 as Framebuffer

A device tree overlay which allows the use of an ssd1306 via i2c was merged into the Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) kernel in early 2019 ( To use this, ...
TimSmall's user avatar
3 votes

Force a 16bit framebuffer when using a DPI display

Framebuffer color depth can be changed by fbset fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -depth 16 ... Writing the desired framebuffer configuration in /etc/fb.modes could help making the change permanent, but I never ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

fbi application frozen and/or raspi frozen?

The Pi has 3 "components" the CPU, GPIO and Video Core which are relatively independent. As you might guess the Video Core is responsible for display, and will continue to display the contents of the ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

Pi4 start X server only on one HDMI output

Allocate two framebuffers from config.txt max_framebuffers=2 Tell Xorg to use only one screen: create xorg.conf with sudo xorg -configure and edit it to keep only the first device. If Xorg is not ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

How can I write an image to the RPI4 framebuffer in Raspbian Lite?

I understand ImageMagic's convert doesn't support RGB565, which is the typical 16-bit framebuffer format. It's possible to perform the conversion with scripts, as the linked thread suggests, but those ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

No video output running on QEMU

Currently (march 2022), QEMU's framebuffer isn't compatible with the most recent RPi linux kernel, so the solution right now is to just use an older version of raspios. Buster with linux-4.19 works ...
rubemnobre's user avatar
2 votes

Showing an image on HDMI (DSI, HDMI screens connected)

I found a well structured program in git hub : which handles my task. to open a .png file and show it on the HDMI display while DSI screen is ...
Behnam Ezazi's user avatar
1 vote

Problem using vlc without X

You need to use the ncurses interface. vlc -I ncurses ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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1 vote

Raspberry Pi + LED Video Processor and resolution issues

I was able to make this work by manually tweaking the hdmi_timings in the end.
vpetersson's user avatar
1 vote

How to convert a Python / Kivy program from a Desktop Window to a stand-alone Raspberry Pi Kiosk

Kivy can use hardware accelerated libraries on PiOS Lite. Desktop / X is not necessary. However, for the Pi4 you need to compile the SDL2 libraries from source. The version in the repos was not ...
Dirk's user avatar
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1 vote

raspberry pi 4B: writing to screen buffer / framebuffer

Strictly speaking, no. The video output of the Pi is under control of the VideoCore, not the ARM CPU. You can allocate a framebuffer and use low-level memory writes to fill it, but you'll still have ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Python pygame program won't run through SSH / Remote Desktop

"No protocol specified" is the error you get when you start the X server as user 1 (in your case: "pi") and then try to access it as another user (in your case: "root"). ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Possible to measure time of HDMI output generation based on framebuffer copy?

T1 can be estimated reasonably well by toggling a GPIO pin. T2 can be measured with an HDMI analyzer or a high-end oscilloscope. Don't expect this to be cheap. I bet Broadcom have already measured ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

How to display graphical text without X using C?

I got 2D vector graphics library working, using it from C Language, currently with a 128x128 OLED display on a headless Raspberry Pi 3B, using the following recipe. Note: X-Windows (X11) is not ...
clearlight's user avatar
1 vote

Develop RPi framebuffer program on Linux laptop

You can try to use Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac. I don't know if it fit your needs, in particular accessing the hardware and framebuffer but I think it is worth to have a ...
Ingo's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the pixel format for Raspberry Pi framebuffer

Looks like the unsigned char pointer was actually casting to unsigned char and thus truncating the data to only 8 bits, 5 of which were blue, and 3 were least significant bits of green. Fixed by ...
Mich's user avatar
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1 vote

Prevent text console from periodically switching to boot screen

According to this bug ( it could depend on your monitor and the resolution used. Try another monitor or a lower resolution.
Gerard H. Pille's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to drive the display via HDMI from a systemd service

Have another program which runs on the user's account and is autostarted whenever the user logs in. That program waits for notifications from your background daemon received via a unix domain socket ...
Janka's user avatar
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1 vote

Conflicting dtoverlays and framebuffer

If you take a look at notro's fbtft documentation, specifically the the information about using your display as a Boot Console, there is some information about attaching displays to different ttys. ...
earthmeLon's user avatar
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1 vote

Using ffmpeg to capture whatever is being globally sent to video output (ie: hdmi output)

UV4L offers a driver named "raspidisp" that captures the screen and offers a /dev/video device for use with ffmpeg or avconv.
kwasmich's user avatar
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1 vote

3,5" Kuman display stops working after update/upgrade

This Config need to be use with ssh remote Please Pay attentions xD First of all install normal libray LCD-SHOW-XX-XX-XX.TAR.GZ extract and find lcd35-show and then run => ./lcd35-show next ...
Alphas Le Ciel's user avatar
1 vote

3,5" Kuman display stops working after update/upgrade

unfortunatey the re-install you mentioned does not work since the kernel version seems not to be in the repository any more. Since I noticed the issue afterwards the upgrade, I was in the same ...
gimfindel's user avatar
1 vote

3,5" Kuman display stops working after update/upgrade

Same for me (I'm using the same display). Solved it by re-installing and setting the packages raspberrypi-kernel and raspberrypi-bootloader to "hold": sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-kernel ...
drwatson32's user avatar

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