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15 votes

Boot without starting X-server

Accepted answer didn't work for me in "Jessie" version, I ended up using: sudo systemctl set-default Reference: Trying to turn off X11 in Jessie
crobicha's user avatar
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11 votes

How to boot into own python script (GUI) only?

For the past month or so I've been working on basically the exact same thing, so I've researched how to do this a lot and know how to do it with the latest version of Raspbian (PIXEL). nodm is a ...
tjohnson's user avatar
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10 votes

How do I prevent the screen from going blank?

To prevent the screen from going blank try adding consoleblank=0 to the end of the first line of /boot/cmdline.txt Source
Tim Penner's user avatar
10 votes

Xorg not working after upgrading to buster

I had this problem as well and got around it by manually building and installing the fbturbo module from source after which I had my desktops back When I tried to to the install the missing package ...
Artifex's user avatar
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10 votes

Xorg doesn't start after upgrade from Stretch to Buster

After enabling ssh, I could figure out that the xserver did not start. startx said "no screens found". So I tried out all the ways to config the pi in headless mode Editing the config.txt ...
Red's user avatar
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7 votes

Xorg not working after upgrading to buster

I had the same issue. My root cause was that I forgot to update: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list from stretch to buster sudo apt update reported an additional ~ 200 packages that could be upgraded....
snailhead's user avatar
6 votes

How can I remove the GUI from Raspbian/Debian?

Jessie Raspbian took a different but similar path as other answers here. # First the jre needs X (boo!) so switch that out to a headless version sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre-headless # Next ...
squarism's user avatar
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5 votes

TFT LCD 3.5 display with inverted axis

Option "TransformationMatrix" "0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1" worked for me too! after 2 afternoons of work it finally worked out Im using the 3.5 TFT GPIO verison - ADS7846 Touchscreen here is my file pi@...
Chris Rodriguez's user avatar
5 votes

Pi 4 X-Display resolution doesn't match frame buffer

The syntax for HDMI related settings in config.txt on a Raspberry Pi 4B appears to have changed, likely because the Pi4B has two HDMI outputs (numbered 0 and 1 in technical documentation, and somewhat ...
ArjenR's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I use X11 on the new 64-bit OS instead of Wayland?

Yes. You can select that using the raspi-config tool. From a terminal window on your RPi, type the following: sudo raspi-config Once the ncurses dialog starts, you'll see something like the picture ...
Seamus's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I prevent the screen from going blank?

What worked for me was editing ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and commenting out the screensaver, all the other xset commands didn't seem to affect it when it is started here: @lxpanel --...
Jason Goemaat's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a GPU accelerated Xorg server?

Eric Anholt has been working on completely overhauling the Raspberry Graphics Stack since July 2014. This means it was done "properly" - everything is opensource and directly in upstream:, ...
flakeshake's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way to get redshift to work?

The closed source graphics driver doesn't expose gamma ramps, which are what redshift relies on. To get gamma ramps, you'll need to switch to the open source graphics driver. Using raspi-config (...
Emma Anholt's user avatar
4 votes

X forwarding not working over ssh

In order to forward X display to your machine you need following: enable X forwarding on sshd on RPi (/etc/ssh/sshd_config: X11Forwarding yes) configure ssh client on your machine to enable X ...
Mariusz Zieliński's user avatar
4 votes

Raspberry Pi ssh X11 Forwarding

Setting $DISPLAY variable to an IP address won't work unless you also run xhost on the X server (which is the Pi, aka "Client Side") to add the remote host to the authorized hosts list. You ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

How can I setup the video / graphics on the Raspberry Pi 3?

The options in order of decreasing age and stability : 1) The GPU 3D/Video BLOB which respects gpu_mem 2) The 2D framebuffer drivers fbdev / fbturbo 3) The in-kernel KMS/3D driver started by Eric ...
flakeshake's user avatar
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3 votes

TFT LCD 3.5 display with inverted axis

If your issue is the same as mine, the new Jessie kernel / img uses libinput as it's mouse drivers instead of the old evdev, which either ignores 99-calibration.conf or uses a different config file ...
Lightfire228's user avatar
3 votes

How configure Xorg to disable DPMS completly on linux w/ SATO desktop

First, you need an output from xset -q. If you setup the Pie from ssh, add DISPLAY=:0 to every command that gives you unable to open display message: DISPLAY=:0 xset -q Then run xset -dpms xset s ...
Mikolasan's user avatar
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3 votes

X11 forwarding with Xming over SSH?

Using Cygwin/X If you're not tied to Xming, you can instead use Cygwin/X for running an X server in Windows. Preparing the Raspberry Pi Try to establish a regular SSH connection from Windows to the ...
Matthias Braun's user avatar
3 votes

Installing XFCE4 on raspberry Pi

Xorg often needs root permissions to run properly, so it can be problematic to start it as a non-root user from the console. If you want to run it manually without sudo, you should install xserver-...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

Pi 7" touchscreen + Chromium in kiosk mode shifted down + right by 10px

This answer on Unix Stack Exchange helped me. I needed to open ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences and add a window_placement key under browser containing: "window_placement": { "bottom": 800,...
Dr. McKay's user avatar
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3 votes

Touchscreen xinput calibration not working

Options defined in "InputClass" sections of Xorg configuration can be seen (and tested!) at runtime using xinput command. If your config file is valid, you should see something like this: $ xinput ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

Change display manager from SD card

There's a good chance this is just the X server borking and not the whole system failing. Try holding down Ctrl Alt and then slowly cycling through F1 -> F6. If at some point you see a few lines ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I attach two monitors in a dual head configuration?

Well, now the Raspberry Pi 4 model B has come out with two Micro HDMI ports, so I think that gives the best solution to the problem? If you don't want a Pi 4, it seems that buying two Pis may still ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
2 votes

How to cleanly remove x11?

This answer shows up high in search for google "remove X11 ubuntu" so I thought it would help to update it for Ubuntu 18.04 sudo apt purge 'x11-*' sudo apt autoremove And given I don't like cruft in ...
eschipul's user avatar
2 votes

How to Wake the Raspbery Pi Display Without Disabling The Screensaver

The solution of dhruvvyas90 works: xset s reset && xset dpms force on but this shorter version also seems to work fine: xset dpms force on
mvermand's user avatar
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2 votes

TFT LCD 3.5 display with inverted axis

After searching and testing for a while, I found that you need to set the Transformation Matrix in the Calibration section of xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf: Option "TransformationMatrix" "0 1 0 -1 ...
Cynical's user avatar
  • 145
2 votes

Changing run level causes freeze

This has NOTHING to do with the (alleged) current rating of the power supply. Not using the GUI will have negligible impact on the current drawn by the Pi. Jessie DOES NOT use runlevels (except 0, ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

In Jessie light what is needed for a graphical (opencv) application to show?

As far as i know, you can't run OpenCV, nor GTK, in graphical mode from console mode. GTK needs to be run on X11 or Wayland. OpenCV can work with other display manager, but no one of them will be ...'s user avatar
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2 votes

Leaving Iceweasel running remotely

No SSH needed, I ended up using VNC. Quick instructions: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer sudo raspi-config > Interfacing Options > VNC > "Yes" And ...
ZeroOne's user avatar
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