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10 votes

What have you done to make generic TFT touchscreen display work?

I've bought the same display. Here are my successful attempts to make it work on a RaspberryPi 3 B+ running Raspbian Stretch. 1. First attempt, involving specific device tree specification and ...
mouviciel's user avatar
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4 votes

My Adafruit PITFT stops working after sudo apt-get update

Per the Adafruit Help! FAQ: Doing an apt-get upgrade or rpi-update will blow away the custom PiTFT kernel. You will have to reinstall the kernel. If you had already made a working PiTFT setup, ...
Steve Robillard's user avatar
4 votes

Why are my fps so low with pi zero w vs pi 3?

The Pi 3 has a 1.2GHz quad-core processor and 1GB of RAM, while the Pi Zero has a 1GHz single-core processor and 512MB of RAM. It's expected that the Pi 3 would be faster on things like this. There's ...
anonymoose's user avatar
4 votes

What have you done to make generic TFT touchscreen display work?

I only wanted it for showing my terminal, so I found a great article that also happens to do this, without installing any new drivers. Key information: This device's controller is an ILI9486, which is ...
Shalom Craimer's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to disable the boot messages and terminal on the PiTFT while using fbcp

I manage to remove boot messages by modifying /boot/cmdline.txt, adding fbcon=map:2 This command allocate console to an unavailable framebuffer. You can get more info about this command here and ...'s user avatar
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2 votes

ili9488 Display Color Problem

Sorry about digging up an old thread, but I came across it while looking for ideas on setting up my own ILI9488 on a Pi, and I've got a solid hunch on this problem. I have not tried this, but have ...
user85471's user avatar
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2 votes

3.5" TFT Calibration Problem

Shuffling config files around (e.g. renaming /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf) will only matter if these files have conflicting duplicate options, ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

Problem connecting AdaFruit PiTFT to RPi 3 using DuPont cables

The answer is: don't forget to connect ground (GND)! It's not explicitly labelled as required in the diagram but it should have been a wee bit obvious that it was required nonetheless!
lowercasename's user avatar
2 votes

waveshare 35b on raspberry 3 : speed and colors

SOLUTION : Loading manually: spi-bcm2835 flexfb fbtft_device is meaningless. You just have to load waveshare35b in device tree, it will load spi-bcm2835 flexfb fbtft_device with correct ...
rem's user avatar
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2 votes

Sharing SPI Adafruit PiTFT and RFID RC522

Using the answers from Dirk, I have got both my 2.8" TFT and RFID-RC522 working. I have set dtoverlay=spi1-1cs in /boot/config.txt giving me: $ ls /dev/spi* /dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1 I ...
Alexander Holsgrove's user avatar
2 votes

Qt Application crashing on Raspberry Pi 3 with Adafruit 2.8" PiTfT touchscreen

I found a way to avoid the crash: Compiling Qt with libinput support and using libinput instead of evdev.
maxwell's user avatar
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2 votes

What have you done to make generic TFT touchscreen display work?

If you have a Dispaly as on the Image above, then: git clone cd Elecrow-LCD35 sudo ./Elecrow-LCD35 This is tested on a RaspberryPi Zero with Raspian ...
roadfox's user avatar
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1 vote

How to hook LCD to breadboard using T cobbler?

I wanted to update this and close it as solved. While the pi was connected to the breadboard properly, I had the pins on the opposite sides on the actual LCD. Once I swapped the sides it powered on ...
user76595's user avatar
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how do I use an raspberry pi 3 A+ with 3.5 inch touch gpio display(MPI3501)(ILI9486 based)

Please read: The comments from the previous post, they have incredibly good advice! They are quoted below for your convenience. First thing is ...
Mats Karlsson's user avatar
1 vote

How to have piTFT3.5 screen brightness 0 at boot

You have found why you should not use /etc/rc.local anymore. It has limitations due to Compatibility with SysV. We have seen many problems here on this site using it. Following the recommendation of ...
Ingo's user avatar
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How to fix duplicate console when using TFT monitor?

Ok, solved it. Had to run sudo systemctl disable fbcp.service to disable fbcp at boot. Then, I created a script that only runs fbcp when needed. #!/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/fbcp & xinit /...
sunknudsen's user avatar
1 vote

Saving image/GIF using a GPIO button

Assuming the buttons are connected to GPIO pins directly, just try creating Button objects on every pin and seeing which one's state changes when you press a button: from gpiozero import ButtonBoard ...
ben_nuttall's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Zero usb port not working and no network access

Your Pi has a serial port on GPIO pins 8 and 10 (see e.g. this pinout). If the OS you're running on the Zero has been configured to run a getty on that port you could use something like this to log ...
larsks's user avatar
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Pigrrl 2 case and cooling fan

You are certainly not the first person to have asked about using a cooling fan with the Pi. I can understand why people think they need to actively cool their Pi. From a desktop PC user's perspective ...
Darth Vader's user avatar
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Pi zero hat compatibility

As it says in bold print on the Adafruit page: This updated design fits perfectly onto the Pi Zero, Pi 3, Pi 2 or Model A+, B+! (Any Pi with a 2x20 connector) This is because all 40 pin models ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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Run gpio script from startup to listen for button press and then execute command and bash script

The answer is here. As mentioned in this post, systemd is the most reliable. I had to laborate with what user I ran it with but otherwise quite straightforward.
Noah Smith's user avatar
1 vote

Run gpio script from startup to listen for button press and then execute command and bash script

I can see a few things that might have gone wrong. You are defining the location of the scripts with the "~/" notation, which only works if the same user that is running the python script is storing ...
NomadMaker's user avatar
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Buying a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

The primary benefit of the B+ is more network throughput. The processor core itself is not any faster, just clocked 10% faster with a slightly newer rev of the SoC (same arm core), with proper cooling ...
crasic's user avatar
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Is it possible to reduce the needed pins of a PiTFT touchscreen?

The PiTFT does not use all GPIO pins, the 40 pin connector is merely for physical stability and ease of use. Some PiTFTs even have another 40 pin GPIO connector in order to easily allow for more GPIO ...
Fantilein1990's user avatar
1 vote

RPi3 with SainSmart 5" TFT touchscreen doesn't work

To avoid having to install a custom kernel, you can use this driver, and then follow these instructions. Specifically, because you have the 5" model, you'll use the following command after following ...
stevieb's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi won't boot up after installing Adafruit's Jessie PiTFT image

I think that this version of Jesse is defective. It is meant to work with the resistive touchscreen created by Aafruit but it doesn't seem to. Can't find a solution anywhere. Seems like you have to ...
CompSiPre-Grad's user avatar
1 vote

Why does audio playback seem to depend on GPU memory?

The Raspberry Pi sound system is controlled by the GPU, both for HDMI and analog audio output. An interesting detail are the noise shaping algorithms running on the GPU for analog output. Quite a bit ...
flakeshake's user avatar
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Touchscreen display turns off whenever audio plays (RPI2, DAC+, PITFT)

Answered by user in question: UPDATE: It looks like the problem was with GPIO pin 18. It seems both the DAC and the touchscreen use it, using this reference helped me fix it.
wayjo's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect if a PiTFT display screen is connected?

Old question, answering for someone else who might need it... Full disclaimer - this is what I collected in the last couple of days researching a different topic - there are might be better ways. That ...
Maksym's user avatar
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GPIO button to control backlight on PiTFT

This might be an old question, but I thought I might share my solution as well. Basically, my goal is to be able to run an arbitrary shell script using GPIO buttons that come with Adafruit PiTFT. ...
Maksym's user avatar
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