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14 votes

What is the latest sources.list for Raspbian?

It seems my problem has been a temporary one. Some weeks after posting my original question, the settings just started working. I did not actually do anything. I guess "stretch" was not really ready ...
Guenther Brunthaler's user avatar
6 votes

Using debian repositories for Raspberry Pi

First of all update your Raspbian operating system version to get newer packages. The general answer is no, unless you know exactly what are you doing. Apparently there are different types of ...
Francesco Boi's user avatar
4 votes

How to guess the date when Python 3.8 will be available on the default repos?

You'll need to wait for Bullseye to emerge as the stable version. RaspiOS is based on DebIan. The current RaspiOS version is Buster. The next (in autumn 2021) will be RaspiOS Bullseye (the DebIan ...
Dougie's user avatar
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4 votes

How are Raspbian repositories organized?

Raspbian is based on Debian and its repositories share the same code names. Basically: wheezy and wheezy-staging are Debian 7 (code name Wheezy) jessie and jessie-staging are Debian 8 (code name ...
techraf's user avatar
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3 votes

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available / Resolving raspberrypi-kernel failed: Name or service not known

To solve the GPG error: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 82B129927FA3303E sudo apt update
GAD3R's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between and

Raspbian is the project which recompiles the Debian archive for the Pi architecture. Debian is one of the principal Linux distributions. is the charity and holds packages specifically ...
joan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to install onlyoffice document server on raspberry pi?

This is a futile endeavour. The System requirements for Document Server include: CPU: dual core 2 GHz or better → while Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 have quad-core processors, they're ~ 1 GHz ARM quad core....
scruss's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the latest sources.list for Raspbian?

They have the new "Stretch" version out now. You can find it here That Q&A contains all the upgrade instructions. To upgrade, first modify the files /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources....
SDsolar's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it okay/not okay to add more repositories?

A Debian repository is mainly made for a specific distribution and even for a specific version of it. For Raspbian/Debian you will find different repositories e.g. for version Jessie (or old-old-...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Problem installing bind in Buster

I have tested it with a fresh flashed Raspbian Buster Light on a RPi 4B: $ sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils dnsutils Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state ...
Ingo's user avatar
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2 votes

Building an old kernel is not possible because the arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/ directory does not exist

As mentioned here the solution I found to building the 4.14.85 kernel was to simply clone the Raspberry Pi Linux repository with git clone --depth=1 --branch rpi-4.14.y
David's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find a specific kernel version in the Github repository?

Go to and look at the commits. The last commit @ 4.14.85 is eefe4b161f5e9730183c8dc1605e14c85b15cf51 So that gives you a commit id to use with the rpi-update ...
Dougie's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find a specific kernel version in the Github repository?

EDIT An easier way to achieve this is to use git log --follow Makefile and from there scroll until you find the version you desire. ORIGINAL ANSWER The only way I managed to find the commit was by ...
David's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use rgbmatrix and rpi-rf repos

This appears to be similar to a problem discussed in this question. The solution was to remove the current gpio libraries and install newer lgpio libraries. Specifically: sudo apt ...
st2000's user avatar
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Transmitting a signal without an external transmitter

It works by generating signal on the GPIO4. You need to connect piece of wire to the pin and it works only in close proximity of few inches. It is for educational, testing purpose rather than for real ...
Qareke's user avatar
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Ubuntu repositories on raspbian/raspberry pi OS

If the drivers are only available on ubuntu your only option would be to try compiling the drivers from source. Download the tar.gz file and try to compile it. It won't be very simple but it's worth a ...
aditya's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package barrier

Install Raspberry Pi OS which has barrier in its repository. You could try downloading from the barrier website.
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

Repository seems to have gone away, what is/was it for?

As others have indicated, held a web browser and desktop environment which eventually got abandoned (the web browser was replaced with Chromium). If you never knowingly ...
user149408's user avatar
1 vote

Repository seems to have gone away, what is/was it for?

This is what it was for according to their website at They might have provided a browser or driver's according to my quick read Edit: They created the ...
fizz's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting raspbian repositories on Kali Linux on Zero

There is a tool called katoolin. You can use that software. The script is written in python. Just opne the software from terminal with sudo python and you will find options for ...
Sohan Arafat's user avatar
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Getting raspbian repositories on Kali Linux on Zero

Wheezy ("Old-Stable") is no longer the current distribution of Raspbian (and Debian from which it is derived) but not being familiar with Kali I am not sure from what it derives it's parentage - what ...
SlySven's user avatar
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