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8 votes

How to install git in PI snappy

If you want to install git on Ubuntu Core you'll need to install it using apt. You can install classic in order to get it. snap install classic --edge --devmode sudo classic sudo apt update sudo apt ...
Dehli's user avatar
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5 votes

Git on Raspberry Pi?

Assuming you are using Raspbian on your Pi, the folllowing command will install git: sudo apt-get install git depending on the version of Raspbian you are running this may already be installed. ...
Steve Robillard's user avatar
4 votes

How to install package from github

The answers already provided do include all the necessary steps, just not in a single answer, so here goes (assumes you have already installed Git, which seems to be the case based on your question): ...
Phil Robinson's user avatar
4 votes

How do I configure my computer to push to GitHub?

Your question may be "off topic" for RPi SE, but I've had to address this recently also - here's what I learned: Effective August, 2021, GitHub requires token-based authentication for git ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get the latest version of gitlab on a raspberry pi

In case anyone else runs into this issue, I'll post how I solved it. Thanks to goobering for the link to comments on the gitlab homepage, that helped a lot. The Raspbian distro is stuck at the ...
rothloup's user avatar
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Can I install Git on Raspbian?

The posts in this thread were correct when it was started in July of 2013. But it's now 2018, and some of the information in this thread is no longer correct. Specifically, git is no longer installed ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I install Git on Raspbian?

I fired it up recently and git was already installed. Might want to check that first. git --version
Raydot's user avatar
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Can I install Git on Raspbian?

Yes, you can install Git with sudo apt-get install git. In fact, I think it is already installed on some versions. You'll need to configure it with git config --global "Your Name" git ...
IceWarrior42's user avatar
3 votes

How to run GitLab through Docker on Raspberry Pi 4b on Ubuntu Server?

Sadly at the time of this writing GitLab doesn't seem to officially support GitLab-CE on ARM with docker. Their only documented procedure for running CE on ARM is with Debian Buster and GitLabs ...
CanOfSpam3's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any Raspberry Pi images with GIT?

Yes. It's in Raspbian, I believe. It's installed by default in Raspbian Jessie (desktop) but not Jessie Lite. To install in Jessie lite, it's just sudo apt install git-core.
recantha's user avatar
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How to find a specific kernel version in the Github repository?

Go to and look at the commits. The last commit @ 4.14.85 is eefe4b161f5e9730183c8dc1605e14c85b15cf51 So that gives you a commit id to use with the rpi-update ...
Dougie's user avatar
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How to find a specific kernel version in the Github repository?

EDIT An easier way to achieve this is to use git log --follow Makefile and from there scroll until you find the version you desire. ORIGINAL ANSWER The only way I managed to find the commit was by ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes

Git not updated

Just because the software author has released a new version does not mean that it has made its way into the package manager's repositories yet. You haven't said what software is throwing the error ...
Jacobm001's user avatar
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2 votes

How to exit read only filesystem to get write permission in order to download a driver form Github?

Try remounting root as read/write. Run mount to find the identifier and mount point, then run the following: rpi ~# mount -o remount,rw /partition/identifier /mount/point `
dubble_oh_nexus's user avatar
2 votes

Installing GitLab on Raspian Stretch

It appears that GitLab only build packages for Raspbian Jessie, not Stretch. You can see in the repo link from the sources file that all the recent releases are tagged "raspbian/jessie", which is bad ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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Installing OpenCV 3

Installation in Linux These steps have been tested for Ubuntu 10.04 but should work with other distrib as well. It works on my pi 3 with raspbian stetch. Required Packages GCC 4.4.x or later CMake 2....
Kreumz's user avatar
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2 votes

Git has a Problem with the SSL CA cert on Raspbian

Running update-ca-certificates was not enough in my case... I had to force the ca-certificates package to reinstall, and then run update-ca-certificates in order to make it work. Here's what worked ...
ghigad's user avatar
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2 votes

Not able to connect my rpi to the WiFi

Please download and flash the image Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite without any modifications. Connect the RasPi wired to your internet router and boot the RasPi with the fresh flashed image. Then do a ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Install git Raspbian Jessie lite

it was problem to clone wiringPi The following error... using MAC pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone git:// -bash: git: command not found I used the following method and it worked ...
farooq's user avatar
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2 votes

How to install package from github

The readme provides the instructions for installing this: To build fdspatch on a Unix style system (including Linux and OS X), simply run make. This will produce the fdspatch binary that can be ...
Douglas Leeder's user avatar
1 vote

How to install package from github

You'll need to install git first as it's not a standard package: $ sudo apt-get update ... $ sudo apt-get upgrade ... $ sudo apt-get install git Once git is installed, and you know the GitHub URL: $ ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Passwordless git server ssh keys not working unless password is enabled?

As far as I understand there are two authentication systems: one for ssh and one for the git repository. As you wrote ssh authentication works but accessing git fails. You only try to fix it with ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Writing code on PC and continually updating cloned workspace on Pi

I would recommend 'syncthing'. It's not instantaneous but usually provides near real-time synchronization. More information at If you decide to install, the normal channel ...
dave58's user avatar
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Writing code on PC and continually updating cloned workspace on Pi

You can install samba on the Raspberry Pi and open a network share. MS Windows devices are able to connect to it so you can just have your files on the share and work with them.
Ingo's user avatar
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How can I make git pull work at startup on a raspberry pi using autostart ? (network connection needed)

Autostart runs each command separately, not consecutively like a bash script. In other words, cd will have no effect on subsequent commands. I suggest you stick all your commands in a bash script, ...
Botspot's user avatar
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User right problem while python script and git during boot up

Anything run from rc.local will be run with root permissions so the use of sudo is redundant. To run part of the script as another user use the su command. In particular use the form su - pi -c "...
joan's user avatar
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1 vote

Git has a Problem with the SSL CA cert on Raspbian

Check your ca-certificates.crt file for corruption. You shouldn't get the Base64 error message: error reading ca cert file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt (Base64 unexpected header error.) You ...
HeatfanJohn's user avatar
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Why do I have to cmake opencv?

OpenCV is like many open-source projects a moving target. To get the latest bug-fixes and features , you have to build (compile) it from source , especially since the versions shipped with Debian/...
flakeshake's user avatar
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Check most current RPI-Firmware available from Git Repo?

There is a /boot/.firmware_revision file created by the installation process. The following bash script (extracted from Hexxeh's actual rpi-update script) could be used to extract the required info: ...
epposan's user avatar
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1 vote

git clone error command not found error

according to your error message: bash: $: command not found, you must have put a dollar sign($) in front of your command. for example, it looks like you typed $ git clone
Benjamin Ashbaugh's user avatar

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