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109 votes

Which model Raspberry Pi I am running?

cat /proc/device-tree/model returns something like Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
SBF's user avatar
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50 votes

Open chromium full screen on start up

Edit this file sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart And add this: @xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromium-browser --kiosk # load chromium after boot and open ...
SK73106's user avatar
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31 votes

Navigating through USB drive with "cd /myOtherFolder" causes "no such directory" error

You put a leading / to your path names! That's the root directory, meaning what you write next is an absolute path. Your /myFolder/myOtherFolder is not on your USB if it's mounted inside /media/pi/...
Nyos's user avatar
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23 votes

Which model Raspberry Pi I am running?

By CPU Type You could check the RPi version with the command, uname. The different RPi versions have different CPU architectures. The RPi 2 has an arm7, whereas the 3 has an arm8. uname -m By ...
Jacobm001's user avatar
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12 votes

Open chromium full screen on start up

on chromium you can use --start-fullscreen (like F11)
Quadrifoglio Verde's user avatar
11 votes

Which model Raspberry Pi I am running?

There are many methods (of varying reliability) to determine this. One of the most complete and reliable is gpio -v which produces the following output. gpio version: 2.44 Copyright (c) 2012-2017 ...
Milliways's user avatar
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10 votes

Navigating through USB drive with "cd /myOtherFolder" causes "no such directory" error

To go into a bit more detail — Whether you come from a Windows or Mac OS X background, you will be used to external drives being independent places from your hard disk (more or less). Part of Unix ...
Artelius's user avatar
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8 votes

Launch GUI to view current directory from command line?

This is not really RasPi specific and just depends on your OS / it's installed file manager. For Raspbian, that should be pcmanfm So pcmanfm .
mystery's user avatar
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8 votes

bash: npm: command not found

Don't install Node.js directly from apt—it's hideously out of date, and most of the features you're expecting to have won't work. The version in the repositories at the minute is v0.10.29, while the ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I make sudo!! add a space after sudo?

You need to use sudo !! instead of sudo!!. This is intended behaviour. The !! history expansion, as stated in the documentation: designates the preceding command. When you type this, the ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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7 votes

Error in apt-get update

All the repository URL's are in the apt source files. The main source file is /etc/apt/sources.list. You can edit the file with e.g. nano to remove the offending 'etcher' line(s): sudo nano /etc/apt/...
Dirk's user avatar
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7 votes

Find out whether SPI is enabled or not

You can use raspi-config non-interactively to get the SPI status: sudo raspi-config nonint get_spi Which returns 0 (enabled) or 1 (disabled) Similarly, enable with: sudo raspi-config nonint do_spi ...
ben_nuttall's user avatar
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6 votes

JAVA_HOME not working

Your JAVA_HOME points to a different directory than where your java executable is located. Per your question, the JAVA_HOME directory is: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt whereas java is ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Accessing EXPORTED Environment Variables in Python

The problem is the use of sudo. sudo will clear environment variables by default. You can use sudo -E (or --preserve-env) to not clear the environment. This can also be set in your sudoers file.
Craig's user avatar
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6 votes

Why am I getting bash: command not found on new Raspbian install after installing

On your original working install you probably installed it with sudo. If you use sudo pip3 install esptool works just calling it by name, but if you don't use sudo you have to specify ...
T. M.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Get Bash instead of /bin/sh in a VNC session started by cron

It seems like the problem originates form cron using /bin/sh and not the users SHELL default. I found other people having the same problem at Default shell for cron issue How to change cron shell (sh ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
5 votes

How do I make .sh run on boot to console?

Unfortunately the Q&A you are consulting is Mostly obsolete, since the accepted answer uses SysV init style methods instead of systemd ones. These are both init systems. The former is used on v....
goldilocks's user avatar
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5 votes

Remote full reset (re-install) of a Raspberry

Firstly: doing this by remote is inadvisable especially if, like me, you happen to be 70+ miles from your remote pi. It's a very long drive if you screw it up. When you do this fir the first time, ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
5 votes

Hardware Level Query for Pi Version

Files inside /proc are not "installed". /proc is a virtual filesystem. No files inside /proc exist on the SD Card. They are created by Linux on every reboot and only exist inside RAM. Try the ...
flakeshake's user avatar
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4 votes

bash: npm: command not found

Your install command obviously failed (surely you read the output!?). Why would you be able to run npm -v? Run apt-get -f install npm to fix the installation issue. Run npm -v That should solve your ...
Jacobm001's user avatar
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4 votes

Cronjob is missing the GET parameter in Raspberry Pi

The problem is that cron doesn't wait for your network to come up before it runs @reboot. The explanation as to why cron operates this way, and alternatives to cron are verbose, but have all been ...
Seamus's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I reset my ~/.bash_profile?

Copy it from /etc/skel/.profile. You'll also find .bashrc in /etc/skel
Dougie's user avatar
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4 votes

Removing autostart program from .bashrc

You COULD fix this by modifying the SD Card on a Linux system. You can do this on the Pi itself by rebooting to a root shell and can repair most such problems on the Pi. 1. Append `init=/bin/sh` at ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

What Revision(s) does cat /proc/cpuinfo return on the new Pi 4 1/2/4GB?

My 1GB PI4B returns revision a03111. $ cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 108.00 Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 ...
joan's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I SSH into my Pi at home from a remote location?

This is a combination of M. Rostami's answer and my reflections on his answer, which I found cumbersome to add as comments. NB: Your question shows you know how to find your public IP address and the ...
Bob Brown's user avatar
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4 votes

How to UNDO unwanted changes on my raspberry pi 4. Bash_profile not found

As already mentioned by others you have to use a colon instead of a space to concatenate paths: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/python-3.9.0/bin or PATH=/usr/local/opt/python-3.9.0/bin:$PATH The problem ...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Get Bash instead of /bin/sh in a VNC session started by cron

I was able to fix the issue by adding following line in my ~/.vnc/xstartup : export SHELL=/bin/bash
Tymek's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi not loading bashrc

Upon login, bash does not automatically execute my ~/.bashrc script. Every other Linux distro I've run does this automatically, so I'm at loss to why Raspbian doesn't. The first line of the default ....
techraf's user avatar
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3 votes

Restart Pi if not reachable (3G)

I was facing a very similar situation. I ended up not using ping but curl. because many times, ping will still work even though the mobile 3G/4G connection has run out of credits/data -- while ...
Eugen's user avatar
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3 votes

su -s ignoring specified shell

But it seems it is just ignoring the --shell option: Password: Cannot execute /usr/bin/fish: No such file or directory This is correct behaviour, as (most likely) you have not added /usr/bin/fish to ...
techraf's user avatar
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