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18 votes

Sudo permissions disaster

You didn't do anything wrong during setup. By default, user "pi" can issue sudo commands with no password; that's the way Raspbian is released. If you haven't done very much other customizing, just ...
Bob Brown's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the purpose of group "staff"?

According to the Debian Wiki: staff: Allows users to add local modifications to the system (/usr/local) without needing root privileges (note that executables in /usr/local/bin are in the PATH ...
Darth Vader's user avatar
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6 votes

Raspberry Pi Desktop, Guest Additions: Access denied under root

8. of the preferred answer here. Not much of an explanation, yet it certainly works. # sh /media/cdrom0/
Alexey Orlov's user avatar
5 votes

What is the purpose of group "staff"?

This isn't peculiar to Raspbian or even GNU/Linux; evidently it's used on OSX too, although perhaps not the same way. Both operating systems are a form of unix -- I found that OSX question by ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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5 votes

Issue with multi-user NAS setup

This seems to be a classical unix rights problem. Let's have a look on it. To avoid confusion I set user of /media/NAS to root and then check where is the problem: pi@raspberry ~$ sudo chown root /...
Ingo's user avatar
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5 votes

Permission denied to access `/media/pi` folder

This happens because you have mount helpers which mount the storage devices with the identity of the user holding the current session on your machine. If you have a GUI and log in as pi, that's the ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

How to allow I2C access for non-root users?

I think the bcm2835 C library is unique in being the only one which drives the I2C peripheral directly rather than using the Linux I2C driver. This access was needed when the Pi first came out as ...
joan's user avatar
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Trouble with changing owner group of a windows shared folder from root to pi

You need to use the uid/gid options when mounting the share you can't do it after mounting, because you can't actually change the owenership (that doesn't make sense to a windows share) sudo mount....
Jaromanda X's user avatar
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What's wrong with this wpa_suppplicant.conf file?

OK...I realized the issue...As I was just testing the move from /boot/ to /etc/wpa_supplicant.I added a dummy new network but the password was less than 8 characters and so that made wpa_supplicant to ...
Mariano Martinez Peck's user avatar
4 votes

Why won't my systemd execute?

I don't know what you want to achieve but as you can read in man systemd: systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. When run as first process on boot (as PID 1), it acts ...
Ingo's user avatar
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4 votes

GPiO setup works from shell, but not from script or C code

It takes a fraction of a second for the kernel to export the GPIO. Adding a short delay lets the action complete before the next command is run.
joan's user avatar
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4 votes

Error copying files permission denied | using the sudo command

I have solved my problem with help from @Peter Paul Kiefer in the last answer. I was running this command: sudo curl | sh But this was only running curl as sudo i ...
user13862056's user avatar
4 votes

How to create a linux user group that grants access to USB devices?

you can use udev rules to set things like file mode bits and user/group for the devices - so for point c) in your question it's fairly simple - maybe point b) as well, but not point a) e.g. create ...
Jaromanda X's user avatar
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3 votes

How to start Motion in daemon mode on RPi running Raspbian Jessie

Confirmed for stretch (v9) as well. you can also use $ ps -ef | grep motion to see if motion is running
Bigdadda06's user avatar
3 votes

How can I permanently fix /dev/vchiq permission errors?

If you are running raspistill from a php script accessed via a browser then you need to enter: sudo usermod -a -G video www-data to give Apache the necessary permissions.
C Wheatley's user avatar
3 votes

How to find out if you are the Administrator

By default, if you're not root, you're not "administrator". You can enter whoami at the command prompt to see who you're logged in as. If your user is a member of the sudo group (assuming you're ...
bobstro's user avatar
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How to find out if you are the Administrator

POSIX systems such as GNU/Linux use root filesystems where each file has mandatory permissions set on it. The superuser (aka. root) on such a system can access anything. Raspbian exploits the sudo ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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3 votes

i2c Permament ownership setting

On Raspbian members of group i2c have access to the I2C devices. If you are using Raspbian you could make www-data a member of the i2c group. sudo adduser www-data i2c
joan's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is /boot/config.txt executable?

The files in the /boot directory are from the first partition of the SD card that's been mounted there during the boot process. Because the first partition is formatted as a FAT filesystem the files ...
Roger Jones's user avatar
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Error reading lock file /etc/.rc.local.swp: Not enough data read

.*.swp files are created by the vi editor to log changes so that the undo command can work. They are created with the same permissions as the file they are logging in the same directory. Because the ...
Dougie's user avatar
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Permission denied error when using apt and apt-get as root on raspbian

I don't know what repositories do you have addressed in your /etc/apt/sources.list. But it seems you have a Raspbian and a Debian repository addressed. This is not a good idea except do you really ...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Permission denied using Serial

Why are you calling os.system("sudo systemctl stop [email protected]") os.system("sudo systemctl stop [email protected]") These are the same interface, and if you aren't using ...
Milliways's user avatar
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3 votes

Sudo permissions disaster

The Answer by Bob Brown is correct but if all you want to do is remove password less sudo just delete the 010_pi-nopasswd file. This can be done on a Linux computer. You could also log in to a root ...
Milliways's user avatar
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how to enable pcmanfm to copy paste in directories that say "permission denied"

Close all file manager windows and start it again from command line: sudo pcmanfm This will let you do anything root could do. Make sure you don't accidentally drang-and-drop /usr into /lib or ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

I accidentally removed read, write and execute permissions from the root ("/") directory

This is an issue that cannot be corrected out of the running system. I would advise shutting down the Pi(1), removing the SD card and then attaching it via card-reader to a different computer running ...
AdminBee's user avatar
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3 votes

how do i login as root , its not working for me

The easiest way to become root is to login as your "regular" user, and then do this: $ sudo -i su That will give you the root user prompt: root@raspberrypi:/home/pi#, as a login shell. When ...
Seamus's user avatar
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2 votes

Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

Before to mount the nfs, you must start rpc sudo /etc/init.d/rpcbind start
jlSta's user avatar
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2 votes

Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

The actual error may be that you are trying to mount /volumes1/Movies which is a typo error to ls -ls /volume1/ | grep Movies
Andreas B's user avatar
2 votes

Accessing pwm module without root permissions

As per github issue Neal Ehardt mentioned in the comment, you need to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules and add the following lines there: SUBSYSTEM=="pwm*", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\ chown -R ...
alpha-mouse's user avatar

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