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7 votes

How to reboot my Raspberry Pi after wrong edition of my fstab?

Since I found the solution myself, I am posting it here, very grateful to every author of the raspberry pi forum posts. 1. Part 1 - getting command line in the boot Error Got "Cannot open access to ...
JMax's user avatar
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5 votes

RPi won't boot after editing fstab

If you want to edit files on the root partition, an easy way is to download some Linux distribution (Ubuntu for example) flash it to an USB stick and boot from it. Here is a tutorial how to do it. ...
jake's user avatar
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5 votes

Auto mount with fstab not auto mounting

One step you may have overlooked was consulting man fstab - in other words, the system manual for creating & maintaining /etc/fstab. Even though it's a bit dated now (Feb 2015 in my bullseye OS), ...
Seamus's user avatar
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4 votes

RPi won't boot after editing fstab

You can repair most such problems on the Pi by rebooting to a root shell. Append init=/bin/sh at the end of cmdline.txt and reboot. After booting you will be at the prompt in a root shell. Your root ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between adding 'ro' to /boot/cmdline.txt vs /etc/fstab?

It has to do with how the kernel initially mounts the root filesystem. According to the Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide, there are both ro and rw parameters: ro [KNL] ...
tc.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Mount a remote Raspberry Pi filesystem over SSH

I used raspbian lite, and sshfsisn't installed by default. So I installed it with sudo apt-get install sshfs Then I added it to the /etc/fstab [email protected]:/mnt/4TB/ /mnt/files fuse.sshfs ...
janw's user avatar
  • 533
3 votes

is it ok to link /var/log to /tmp or /run to save the SD card

A problem with this is that /tmp isn't a tmpfs mount by default on the current version of the OS (or on the last one or the one before that). Have a look at mount | grep tmp. Of course, you could ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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2 votes

Pi not auto mounting exfat drive on boot, despite fstab entry

You should use 'exfat' instead of 'exfat-fuse' in the fstab entry. This should make it work with exfat-fuse. The assumption is that you've already installed exfat-fuse.
recantha's user avatar
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2 votes

Raspbian Stretch read/only

I was able to get this guide to work with Stretch 2017-11-29: A few notes, though: In the second code block, there is no "local-...
Christopher Dickey's user avatar
2 votes

How to boot without mounting a Drive present during booting

/etc/fstab has a noauto option which will prevent the configured device or partition from being mounted automatically upon boot. $man fstab The fourth field (fs_mntops). This field ...
RubberStamp's user avatar
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2 votes

Why can't I write to a mounted USB hard disk drive?

Since you already have user in the options of your fstab, I'd suggest you try to run sudo chown -R pi:pi /media/pi/HDD once it is mounted. This applies the owner recursively to all files and ...
Aarkon's user avatar
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2 votes

Bas rights on a folder when I automount an hard drive

Your fstab entry is incorrect. It should be something like:- UUID= /mnt/SeagateBackupPlus ntfs rw,noauto,relatime,umask=22,uid=0,gid=0,nls=utf8 0 0 UUID= /mnt/PiData ext4 ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

Pi will not boot after unplugging external USB drive

It's odd that reconnecting the drive won't allow boot to complete. Did you change the drive in any way after unplugging it, and before plugging it back in? If so, that would explain the issue. If this ...
Seamus's user avatar
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2 votes

root automatically set as mounted directory owner

For mounting a vfat file system there are particular options. You can set uid=<value> (user id) and gid=<value> (group id) in fstab so it looks like for example: PARTUUID=xxxyyyzzz-01 /...
Ingo's user avatar
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2 votes

Raspian not booting after editing fstab and reverting changes

The mount I used did not edit the file even though saving worked without any warnings. Mounting via ext2fsd seems to be readonly. Grabbed a Linux DVD, booted my pc into there and fixed it with gedit ...
jaaq's user avatar
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2 votes

RPi won't boot after editing fstab

For anyone that hits this problem that only has a mac, you can install this software and use the free 10-day trial to mount the sd card on your mac and just edit the /etc/fstab file directly on your ...
matt burns's user avatar
2 votes

How do I go about auto-mounting my NTFS hard drive at boot?

This is the line in my /etc/fstab for a Toshiba Canvio 1 TB usb drive. Your UUID and mount points will be different. UUID=A0027BBF027B994C /media/pi/Toshiba ntfs-3g defaults,auto,umask=000,users,rw,...
Michael Harvey's user avatar
2 votes

How do I go about auto-mounting my NTFS hard drive at boot?

I know you are trying to replace an automount. fstab is confusing, the documentation for mount is somewhat clearer. If you are happy with the way automount works I suggest you let your system ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

Network Drive Permissions

I am not completely clear on your question, but it seems that your problem may be in your /etc/fstab file. We'll try that first, and if you can give some feedback as we go through this, perhaps we can ...
Seamus's user avatar
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2 votes

Boot order breaking due to automount (running into emergency mode)

Your Question addresses 2 issues- SD Card reliability and pi user permissions and seems to conflate them. It has long been recognised that having a default username/password is a security risk. ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

Mounting USB-HDD with NTFS filesystem on Raspbian boot

To automount your USB drives to a directory of your choosing: In accordance w/ man fstab: The second field (fs_file). This field describes the mount point (target) for the ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

USB drive not mounting in CLI mode

The fstab was correct but the UUID was wrong. It was mounting in the gui because auto mount was on. Not because of the fstab.
Ozymandias's user avatar
1 vote

Fail to mount NAS network drive

There is not very much information you have given about error- and debug-messages. Look at the journal if you can find some messages belonging to mounting network shares: rpi ~$ journalctl --boot --...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
1 vote

Raspberry Pi won't connect to NAS Server

samba-client is a so-called virtual package. From the FAQ: Debian GNU/Linux FAQ 6.8 What is a Virtual Package? A virtual package is a generic name that applies to any one of ...
Ljm Dullaart's user avatar
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1 vote

RPi won't boot after editing fstab

Ran into the same problem. Here is my solution, hope somebody will find it useful. Issue: messed up /etc/fstab bootfail my PI is , as many, not hooked up to a screen or keyboard, running somewhere ...
solution's user avatar
1 vote

sda2 is not on SD card. Don't know how to expand

The same error is thrown when you want to issue raspi-config -> Expand Filesystem after resizing the RaspberryPi image physically with qemu-img resize raspbian.img +6G and booting on Qemu. Here is ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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1 vote

How to reboot my Raspberry Pi after wrong edition of my fstab?

I couldn't use @jmax's answer because for some reason I couldn't ever get into the command line. Maybe it's a mac thing? For anyone that hits this problem that only has a mac, you can install this ...
matt burns's user avatar
1 vote

mount error(13): Permission denied

Try: Change to vers=3.0 to use the newest version of the protocol. Manually mount with sudo mount -t cifs -o username=BB,... //169.254... /home/pi/testbuy Use smbclient //169.254... to test it with ...
potom's user avatar
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1 vote

RPi SD 'sync' time

You want to have your cake and eat it too: If the fs is mounted 'sync' then the file is also intact, but this doesn't seem to be an ideal solution. [...] I realise that 'don't pull the ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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