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Raspberry Pi 3 Freezes

I/O failure is a common cause of this; processes suffering from such are stuck in an uninterruptible sleep. If this is widespread and includes critical processes, the entire system will stutter and ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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4 votes

PI-3 corrupted file system - run fsck on boot (Raspbian Stretch)

Raspbian is a derivate of Debian and this isn't designed to work without a clean shutdown by default. May work with journaling on the root partition with ext4 file system but it is only designed for ...
Ingo's user avatar
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4 votes

Are backups using dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 safe and consistent?

Your "conventional wisdom" is right. The fact that someone managed to copy an image from a mounted device and it worked doesn't mean it will work every single time. Actually, it doesn't even ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

Are backups using dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 safe and consistent?

Pi documentation, repeated many times by others, seems to state that this dd approach is not only acceptable but indeed recommended. This is because many of the people who got in earlier with the Pi ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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3 votes

What does 7 flashes- kernel image not found indicate

The "LED Warning Flash Codes" may be interpreted from this table in the "Official Documentation". 7 flashes is said to indicate Kernel image not found. AFAIK, there is no ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

Are backups using dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 safe and consistent?

The first link is of questionable reputation. The Toms's Hardware link seems to be describing an offline backup with the SD card in another computer, not in the pi, let alone mounted. Using dd to take ...
user10489's user avatar
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3 votes

Can it be an issue to record videos directly on the SD card of a Raspberry Pi?

You can record as it is like any other computers do, you just need to have a free space left on you sdcard todo so. Also, there is a life expectancy for every storage device, it is called the read ...
bgsuello's user avatar
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2 votes

What’s the best way to avoid corrupting a pi?

Enable a journal on your root partition: tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/mmcblk0p2 The journal enables the filesystem to revert to a consistent state after a crash. You may still lose data that was ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

What’s the best way to avoid corrupting a pi?

I use an external USB HDD for the majority of my pi projects which will tolerate power interruptions. The majority of SD card corruptions occur when there is a power interruption in the middle of a ...
Bra1n's user avatar
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2 votes

Immutable SD Card?

Well, SD cards DO have a physical switch that can be used to make them immutable. But I'll assume you already tried that ;) I thought crasic's suggestions were good, and the linked post he shared ...
M. Mills's user avatar
2 votes

Bug in PHP & Buster? 4x Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode 0x00000004

The repository you are using is not supporting ARMv6, so you'll need at least Pi 2 to run packages from it. See the following issues on their tracker:
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

Are backups using dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 safe and consistent?

QUESTION: Are backups using dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 safe and consistent? There are two cases that must be considered: If /dev/mmcblk0 is mounted, the answer is, "Absolutely and unequivocally, "...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

Fixing corrupted fstab

It may be that your SD card is having issues - they are subject to wear-out, and the cheaper ones die younger than (for example) SD cards made by SanDisk. You should edit /etc/fstab to remove the ...
Seamus's user avatar
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How to make a raspberry pi "hot unpluggable"

You can't make the entire RPi "hot unpluggable" by dealing only with the SD card. You're (presumably) using the ext4 filesystem; this helps prevent corruption on your SD card because it's a ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

How to restore a corrupted SD card

"I'm well aware this question has been asked about a million times already" - a slight exaggeration, but it is true the question is often asked and rarely answered. There are reasons for ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

How to detect if SD card is corrupted using metadata Checksum?

The metadata checksum is used automatically every time you access the filesystem. If you access a file with a corrupted metadata, the filesystem will (typically) remount as read-only, and the system ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Non-english character file names get changed on their own

Formatting the drive to ext4 solves this issue.
Elias's user avatar
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1 vote

Corrupted SD Card

I submitted a comment to @Dougie's answer (Forum Link) - perhaps he'll have time to weigh in on your question here. In the meantime, I'll offer this: Don't mangle your SD card any further as it ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does updating Raspberry Pi OS keep breaking my system?

"Updating" is not breaking your system. Your comment, It's an old, 16GB microSD card I had lying around reveals the most likely source of your problem. It's well-known and extensively ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

system won't fully boot - “failed to start dhcpcd on all interfaces” and failed to start openbsd secure shell server

Your question lacks detail, but two possibilities come to mind: You have made ill-advised changes to various configuration files and/or your system configuration, or Your SD card is failing. If it'...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

Corrupt SD card on Pi but not in Windows

If you want to keep what is on the SD Card DO NOT attempt to "fix" it. Mount the card in an adapter (on the Pi or any Linux computer) and copy your files.
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

Can it be an issue to record videos directly on the SD card of a Raspberry Pi?

You can save your video files directly to the SD card - provided you have sufficient space on the card. "Sufficient space" will obviously depend upon what size card you have, and how big your video ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

/etc/group is void, raspberry works fine however

The situation continued to deteriorate till I could no more ssh (connection refused). It appears that simply unplugging and replugging the raspi finally solved the issue. The files where restored to a ...
hello world's user avatar
1 vote

3D printer corrupts Pi when shutdown

The problem certainly looks like it is SD card corruption, which can happen as a result of arbitrarily cycling the power. It shouldn't happen during normal operation. Reboots should be obvious in ...
goldilocks's user avatar
  • 60.1k
1 vote

Raspberry Pi randomly unresponsive

Thanks to Ingo's comment, I found a potential cause; in my case by using journalctl -e I could see that my Raspberry Pi was disconnecting and reconnecting to the IPv6 network every few minutes. This ...
Yiays's user avatar
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1 vote

Raspberry Pi 3 Freezes

According the official doc The Raspberry Pi 3 is powered by a +5.1V micro USB supply. Exactly how much current (mA) the Raspberry Pi requires is dependent on what you connect to it. We have found ...
framp's user avatar
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