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16 votes

Raspberry Pi WiFi to Ethernet Bridge for a server?

This is a common problem with tons of documentation on the web. A very informative discussion I've found on (1). Be aware that this problem only belongs to a wifi client connection that you want to ...
Ingo's user avatar
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13 votes

Can Rpi4B power external / portable USB HDD / SSD?

not able to power ... from a Raspberry pi 3 Here's why: Pi 3 was designed with USB 2.0 specs, including the 0.5 amp limit. Most hard drives require more current than that. Raspberry Pi 4 has USB 3.0,...
Botspot's user avatar
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9 votes

Will RPI3 power down an external USB hard disk if not used for a certain amount of time?

Yes. Here's what I use: hdparm -B 127 /dev/sda hdparm -S 242 /dev/sda From the command line as the pi user you would have to add sudo there. The first line enables spin down. The second one sets ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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8 votes

Boot from USB hard disk?

Now, nearly five years later after author originally asked this question, Raspberry Pi officially supports booting from USB mass storage device. However, this is supported only for Raspberry Pi 3. ...
Andrejs Cainikovs's user avatar
8 votes

Transmission: permission denied on USB disk

None of the answers here worked for me, so I am writing a new one referencing which worked great for me and allowed me to run transmission as pi user to ...
Sammaye's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it safe to power my external hard drive with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ USB port?

You SHOULD be able to power a USB HDD from the Pi3B+ as the USB ports can supply 1.2A. HOWEVER, I and others have found that this is often unreliable - this seems to be due to transient voltage drop ...
Milliways's user avatar
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6 votes

How to connect SATA drives without USB

Worth reviewing this answer on In short, not simple. In the most reasonable scenario, ...
crasic's user avatar
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5 votes

How to connect a SATA disk through GPIO (not USB)

I don't see how this can be done. Even if it could it would probably be a serious waste of time and money. SATA uses GHz signalling. The Pi's GPIO function in the say 30Mhz range. https://en....
joan's user avatar
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5 votes

Attach SAS Drives

Before the Compute Module 4 came out, the answer was no; however, I'm currently testing an LSI SAS3082E-R SAS controller with the Compute Module 4 + IO Board, and I'm hopeful it will work. I'm ...
geerlingguy's user avatar
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5 votes

"Proper" way to (permanently) mount USB hard drive?

using /etc/fstab is the proper way of doing this. if you do not want your system to depend on the drive on startup in case the usb drive is missing you have to set the relevant parameter / options ...
AlexOnLinux's user avatar
5 votes

Powered USB3 Hub vs USB3 Y Power Cable

This answer is incorrect. Depending on model & OS USB can supply 1.2A. Typical Power Requirements I doubt it would work, according to this page: USB - port power limits the Raspberry Pi USB ...
ON5MF Jurgen's user avatar
5 votes

Can Rpi4B power external / portable USB HDD / SSD?

Answer If your Rpi4B's power supply meets the official spec of 3A output, then it is OK to use USB HDS/SSD without external power supplies. I measured the idle current and write current of a 1TB SSD,...
tlfong01's user avatar
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5 votes

Permission denied to access `/media/pi` folder

This happens because you have mount helpers which mount the storage devices with the identity of the user holding the current session on your machine. If you have a GUI and log in as pi, that's the ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
5 votes

Auto mount with fstab not auto mounting

One step you may have overlooked was consulting man fstab - in other words, the system manual for creating & maintaining /etc/fstab. Even though it's a bit dated now (Feb 2015 in my bullseye OS), ...
Seamus's user avatar
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5 votes

2,5" USB external hard drive not detected

Plug the disk and run sudo dmesg: There should be lines related to the USB host driver. If there aren't any, either the USB port, or the cable or the disk is broken, to the point there is no reliable ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

Can Raspberry Pi draw power FROM an external HD?

I'm going to provide a few details on why it is not recommended to do this. You completely bypass the protection circuit. the RPi has several components on the power socket, such as the polyfuse F1 ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

How to use external flash drive as raspberry pi 3 root storage?

You can put your filesystem on an external drive, there are instructions to use an external drive to boot your Pi. See ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

How Can My Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Power All My Devices?

The Pi3B and Pi3B+ USB can supply 1.2A without modification (subject to an adequate PSU). Your question has a lot of incorrect assumptions about USB - this is all explained in Raspberry Pi Power ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

Using /mnt vs /media for Transmission storage on external hard drive

The default names and structure for linux are defined in the Linux Standard Base (LSB). Part of this document is the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. Herein you find the definition for /media : Mount ...
Ingo's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it safe to power my external hard drive with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ USB port?

Having graduated with honors from the school of hard knocks last night with a PhD in low voltage faults corrupting root partitions on a pi, I would advise against this. It appeared to work fine with a ...
David Dohm's user avatar
4 votes

Pi with multiple HDDs from a powered hub

Will the read speed of each hdd drop the more hdds I add due to the pi usb controller? This is exactly what will happen. Connecting multiple HDDs (and the more so SSDs) to an RPi to increase disk ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

Delete and modify not supported smb external drive (exfat)

It seems you have an answer that addresses your question. I'm posting this as potentially "another answer" to augment @Ephemeral's answer, and because it's something that may be overlooked ...
Seamus's user avatar
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4 votes

Do HDDs drain power when not in use?

Interestingly the power consumption of modern HDD is pretty low and comparable with an Rpi. suggests Rpi 3B is around 2W. https://www....
mhaselup's user avatar
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4 votes

External hard disk disappears after a few hours

External drives are often problematic on the Pi. The root cause is probably power issues, although I have found that occasionally the drive would be in Read Only mode. It is, of course, better to fix ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I be sure the EEPROM configuration is the latest version?

This is a bit complicated, so please bear with me: While "LATEST" (latest actually) now is a branch of the EEPROM firmware, it may not be in the sense that you mean. I'll explain that in ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

Using external disk connected to RPI as time machine

It sounds like you failed to mount the drive in the right place (in your guide that's /media/tm). Without the mount in place your mounpoint (the directory where you want to mount the drive) is just a ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

How can I run smartctl in Raspbian?

I'm running an 2,5" SATA disk on an USB hub. The -d sat works for me. sudo smartctl --info /dev/sda -d sat last lines of output: SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. ...
teekkari's user avatar
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3 votes

Writing data (dynamically) to an external drive

Register Signal Handlers in your program in order to catch the ctrl-c and flush all the buffers/files opened by your program and script. Edit Following Additional Information Killing a program with ...
crasic's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to use MariaDB data on an external USB hard drive?

I tried all of the above, and all are valid, but my solution seems to be to make pi a member of group mysql e.g. usermod -a -G mysql pi
Simon Markham's user avatar

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