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nfs-kernel-server does not start after reboot

After evaluating tons of answers and threads about this topic I found a quite simple solution. The problem is that the rpcbind service is not started. This can be achieved just by adding the correct ...
Bibo's user avatar
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nfsroot boot fails - nfs server reports the request

I had the same problem. For me the fix was to force NFS version 3, by appending v3 as option to nfsroot: nfsroot=,tcp,v3
hfs's user avatar
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Install NFS server

The newest raspbian is based on jessie, so you should change your source to jessie. So just change deb wheezy main contrib non-free to deb http://...
Changjian Zhang's user avatar
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Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

The actual error may be that you are trying to mount /volumes1/Movies which is a typo error to ls -ls /volume1/ | grep Movies
Andreas B's user avatar
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sqlite gigabyte database on RPi3B+

I log data to an SQLite3 database on a NFS filesystem with no problems. The only rule is one writer, multiple readers (to avoid the locking/locked database problem). To enforce that my reader programs ...
Dougie's user avatar
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sqlite gigabyte database on RPi3B+

As far as network file system go, reasonable options are AFAIK limited to NFS and SMB, and unless you need SMB features (like Windows compatibility) you should really go with NFS. It's much faster (...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
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Which user is used to authenticate with the NFS server when mounting in fstab?

To elaborate the answer of @Seamus, you have to differentiate between the mount action and the access to the mount point. in principle these have nothing to do with each other. Following the Unix ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Which user is used to authenticate with the NFS server when mounting in fstab?

The root user mounts the drive. After it is mounted, the permissions on the NFS server will apply on a per-user basis. With respect to the related question, How Do I Setup User Permissions On My NFS ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Writing to a NAS from a Raspberry Pi 2B - SMB or NFS?

Part of your question may be soliciting an opinion: "...if it's worth the effort..." But there is one part that I feel can be answered factually: Forget about AFP... cross it off the list - ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Can I boot with a nfsroot over a wireless network?

I assume you are using the Raspberry Pi OS. You want to boot the kernel from the SD Card because network booting the kernel with WiFi isn't possible. But you want to use the root partition from an NFS ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

Before to mount the nfs, you must start rpc sudo /etc/init.d/rpcbind start
jlSta's user avatar
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How can I connect to my RPi NFS server using version 4?

/exports/myfolder,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check,nohide) run exportfs -ra and check your exports with 'exportfs -rv' command. then try to mount it : mount -t nfs4
Alpha's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a raspberry pi get the video feed of another through a NFS server between the two?

Part 1: Networking You should be able to directly connect two Pis together with an Ethernet cable for high-speed data transfers between them. In that scenario the Pis should still have internet access ...
Fred's user avatar
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NFS Server: Not starting: portmapper is not running

This works for me. Clean and resists reboots. You have to setup systemd to do the order properly cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/systemd/system/ [Unit] Description=NFS Common ...
nachoparker's user avatar
1 vote

OMV: Unit proc-fs-nfsd.mount has failed

Be very careful when installing OMV on R-Pi! (See ref. here.) Download image from github. unxz the image. (With etcher you don't need to uncompress the image.) dd image to sd-card. Boot raspberry and ...
participant's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot see files from DSM I made with Transmission on NFS share on Synology NAS

Finally found what went wrong. I made an error in the path of the mount target, so the files never reached the share, they were just somewhere on the sdcard of the Pi. But when I corrected the error, ...
FenderBender's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot automatically mount NFS share to Raspberry Pi

You might want to try enabling Wait for Network in raspi-config. See this for instructions:
Robert's user avatar
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Cannot automatically mount NFS share to Raspberry Pi

There is some curious with your installation to start nfs. My answer is valid for Raspbian Stretch, don't know what you are using. On modern operating systems there is cron managed by systemd. Check ...
Ingo's user avatar
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How to increase NFS clients beyond 16

Do you use NFSv3 or NFSv4? The only limitation I know is that a user can only have 16 group ids for access control. In /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server I have set RPCMOUNTDOPTS="--manage-gids --no-nfs-...
Ingo's user avatar
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NFS share won't mount on boot, but will manually

I was just able to get this accomplished with stretch version and NFS to my Synology NAS. Create the mount point you want: sudo mkdir /mnt/NAS Mounted it manually first: sudo mount -t nfs 192.168....
Jeff McCown's user avatar
1 vote

Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

I used cifs connections before and did not see /volume1 was missing. The following examples are working in my configuration similar to the ones above: sudo mount -t nfs
joiner's user avatar
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