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14 votes

How do I reset the lost password of a Pi 4 running Ubuntu server?

I would put the sd card into another machine, mount the disk and edit the file /etc/shadow to remove the password; delete the characters between the first and second colons in the file. Save the file ...
8 votes

What is the default cmdline.txt for Raspberry Pi 4

On my Pi 4, it's: console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=XXXXXXXX-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles Your PARTUUID ...
Tim Campbell's user avatar
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6 votes

Change/reset password WITHOUT monitor/keyboard

You don't have to create a temporary user on a different system to generate a password hash. You can do it without root access by running: openssl passwd -salt "salt" "password" ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between adding 'ro' to /boot/cmdline.txt vs /etc/fstab?

It has to do with how the kernel initially mounts the root filesystem. According to the Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide, there are both ro and rw parameters: ro [KNL] ...
tc.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How do I regain access to either the filesystem or terminal on a raspberry pi that has all networking services disabled and no terminal?

Try adding rw init=/bin/bash to the cmdline.txt: that should unconditionally boot your system into a root terminal, which allows you to edit the configuration files you have messed up (re-enabling the ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

How do I regain access to either the filesystem or terminal on a raspberry pi that has all networking services disabled and no terminal?

Your SD card (or whatever media you boot from) has two partitions - one is ext4 filesystem (/); the other is FAT32 filesystem (/boot). You may remove the SD card, then mount and edit anything in /boot ...
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

Disabling rainbow splash screen does not work

Yes, but for the Raspberry Pi 3 model B, add the line: disable_splash=1 to the file: /boot/config.txt is not hiding the splash screen with Raspbian Jessie
Matteo Raggi's user avatar
2 votes

As of the current date, what is the default /boot/config.txt

Here's my cmdline.txt file from my 3B+ stretch RPi: dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 console=serial0,115200 root=PARTUUID=bb8517b1-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait ...
Seamus's user avatar
  • 22.9k
2 votes

cmdline.txt appears to be empty after editing it

You can see what the kernel has used as /boot/cmdline.txt by cat /proc/cmdline there's some stuff there that's merged in by the bootcode. If you're using NOOBS (or PINN) the command line you're ...
Dougie's user avatar
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2 votes

Disabling rainbow splash screen does not work

Seems like there is no way to get around the rainbow screen unless you switch to another bootloader. Checked from github and found the issue is been already addressed. This is a bug require fixing. Or ...
Mohamed Shafi's user avatar
2 votes

Disabling rainbow splash screen does not work

For NOOB you need copy config.txt with command disable_splash=1 to recovery partition. cd /boot sudo mkdir /media/recovery sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/recovery/ sudo cp config.txt /media/...
K4BlOs's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

First Boot expand filesystem does not take effect

by posting this thread, I got the answer for my own question. So now here is my solution! I saw that the /etc/init.d/resizefs_once script and /etc/rc3.d/S01resize2fs_once is missing, which is build ...
Dominic Jonas's user avatar
2 votes

Why does /dev/mmcblk0p2 work when PARTUUID doesn't?

The root= field from cmdline.txt specifies to the kernel where the partition with the root filesystem is. There are a few ways that can be specified. The one that is generally preferred in the linux ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I reset the lost password of a Pi 4 running Ubuntu server?

Mount it on another rpi(or any linux box with qemu-user-static installed). mount --bind the /dev /sys and /proc directories. chroot into it. References: https:...
Behrooz's user avatar
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1 vote

Forcing HDMI output on Bookworm

If both arandr and Setting your display’s resolution and rotation as noted in the Raspberry pi documentation and adding "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60" to /boot/cmdline.txt options do not work,...
Gerben Versluis's user avatar
1 vote

Connect a RPi with static IP (cmdline.txt: ip=169.254.0.xx i.e. APIPA range), but without 120 seconds waiting time if no ethernet cable

This question contains a lot of incorrect detail. is a Link-local address (also occasionally called APIPA) but there is NO point in attempting to assign one as there will already be one ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

how to prevent rpi4 s to overwrite the cmdline.txt

At least one answer here suggests that the code that parses /boot/cmdline.txt is picky. AIUI, /boot/cmdline.txt contains a single command line, only the first line of the file is read and parameters ...
Seamus's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the difference between adding 'ro' to /boot/cmdline.txt vs /etc/fstab?

The difference is mainly that cmdline is related to kernel command line (ie parameters to pass to kernel boot) as opposite to /etc/fstab which is related to your operating system.
tqhien's user avatar
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1 vote

fsck.mode=force is not fixing unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2)

To repair the filesystem you need the programs fsck.*. These are located on the root partition. Do you already see the problem? You have repaired the filesystem on the first SD Card by using the fsck....
Ingo's user avatar
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1 vote

Mount the FAT32 partition of the SDCard of which RPi is booting to edit cmdline.txt

yes you can mount the fat partition for temporarly reasons, otherwise use fstab sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=root /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt sudo nano /mnt/cmdline.txt have fun
Dr.Sherif Omran's user avatar
1 vote

Disabling rainbow splash screen does not work

For me on Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch) these modifications are working for making an absolute silent boot (boot to CLI): In /boot/cmdline.txt change the console from tty1 to console=tty3. You'll ...
user94424's user avatar
1 vote

raspbian stretch overrides cmdline.txt kernel.hostname parameter

If the kernel option in /boot/cmdline.txt does not work you can use the DHCP server. It has an option to send the hostname within its lease for the device. This is the usual way for a centralized ...
Ingo's user avatar
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1 vote

raspbian stretch overrides cmdline.txt kernel.hostname parameter

Use the NFS format for the ip parameter instead. ip=::::hostnamegoeshere:eth0:dhcp If the DHCP server agrees, it should respond with a hostname field as well and potentially update DNS (that's what ...
ferrix's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

raspbian: unable to mount root fs on uknown block

If you are actually trying to install a new Raspbian image follow the instructions in If this does not apply you ...
Milliways's user avatar
  • 61.5k
1 vote

Where is the cmdline.txt on Windows IOT Dashboard installation?

Are you sure these files are relevant? The instructions you are following are for a Linux based Raspberry Pi (/dev/ttyAMA0 and /etc/inittab are both Linux device/file names). I wouldn't have thought ...
joan's user avatar
  • 71.7k
1 vote

cmdline.txt changes are discarded when ejecting sd card

To change password login to the Pi and use the Raspberry Pi Configuration menu in GUI or raspi-config from the command line. Alternatively you could use the passwd command. It is not impossible to ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I set the Dvorak keyboard layout in cmdline.txt?

Setting the keyboard from cmdline.txt probably isn't ideal, and you would be better off using raspi-config, particularly if you use a GUI, because I believe the keyboard used there maybe configured ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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