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19 votes

Disable onboard WiFi & Bluetooth Raspberry Pi 3

Yes, there is a better way. You can edit /boot/config.txt and add this two lines: dtoverlay=disable-wifi dtoverlay=disable-bt After reboot, WiFi & Bluetooth will be fully disabled. More info on: ...
Gabriel Gonzalez's user avatar
16 votes

Install drivers for RTL8812au wireless usb adapter

Literally the very next thing I tried worked. I spent the last 5 hours working on this so I'll go ahead and share what I did to fix. First, I sourced my drivers from the following github repo. sudo ...
Rob S.'s user avatar
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4 votes

How to Install TP-Link TL-WN823N V2 on Rasperry Pi 2?

Found the working fix for this: First, create directory to keep the driver source files in a common place if you don’t have it already. mkdir drivers && cd drivers I used latest Raspbian ...
JB Benjamin's user avatar
3 votes

Running Raspberry Pi and my regular desktop off one wifi adapter

Per the comments below your question, that's just not how USB works. Your desktop is enjoying a variety of advantages over the Pi - a USB 3.0 adapter, superior bandwidth on its internal buses, faster ...
goobering's user avatar
  • 10.7k
3 votes

Can the Pi "official" WiFi adapter do simultaneous Client/AP modes?

Some years later I have found new possibilities using systemd-networkd to create a WiFi router/repeater. The built-in WiFi device of a Raspberry Pi is capable to create an access point together with a ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
2 votes

No wlan0 on RPi 3 B v1.2

I've found that most of my chargers don't provide enough power to my PI3, even if the "under-voltage" icon doesn't show up. This causes the Wifi and Bluetooth to be disabled in an otherwise working ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 276
2 votes

How can I use the Raspberry Pi to connect a wired ethernet device to a wireless network

I don't know if you have solved your problem after 2 years without an accepted answer but here is a solution for someone coming to this by google. The problem is that you need to bridge the wired ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
2 votes

Ralink 5572 hostapd fails at 5 GHz unless first run in 2.4 GHz band?

I came back for another try a year later, and was successful. Following these steps will enable RT5572 dongle as an AP in 5 GHz band (as proved by seeing beacon and associating) This time I started ...
tim11g's user avatar
  • 267
2 votes

Raspberry Pi Ethernet network bridge with separate wireless connectivity

I suppose you have completely setup and running Building a 'Packet squirrel" using Raspberry Pi you have linked in your question. It is using systemd-networkd. If you want to extend it with WiFi you ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
2 votes

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W simultaneous AP and client

I found my own answer. RaspAP has an option called AP-STA which allows for this. Confirmed working on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Ash Skabo's user avatar
1 vote

USB Wifi adapter not working/showing up on Raspberry Pi Zero

Here is how I got it working: EDIT: I re-installed raspbian stretch. I skipped the updates and I am currently using 4.14.50+. First I followed this tutorial: But when ...
Jonas's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Using usb wifi and onboard wifi simultaneously to connect to internet

You have 2 options, (1) Disable onboard WiFi or (2) Use networkmanager instead of ifupdown. (1) is explained already as another answer by @Ingo (2) You can install networkmanager using apt install ...
Abhiram Shibu's user avatar
1 vote

Using usb wifi and onboard wifi simultaneously to connect to internet

It doesn't matter if both interfaces are activated when then build in isn't configured in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf. But to avoid possible confusion I would prefer to disable the build ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
1 vote

Built-in WiFi configured as AP keeps connecting to router

The problem seemed to be caused by previous settings and the WPA supplicant service. Disabling it with: sudo systemctl mask wpa_supplicant and commenting the lines in /etc/network/interfaces: allow-...
Carles Araguz's user avatar
1 vote

Connecting My Raspberry Pi To My Laptop Via Adafruit WiFi Dongle Without Internet

The answer to your question is, "Yes, it is possible to SSH from my laptop to the Raspberry Pi without any connection to the internet, solely using the two devices and the dongle." In general, what ...
Seamus's user avatar
  • 22.9k
1 vote

Local network with several Pis and devices connected

One possible method: choose the most central PI and set this up as a WiFi AP as well as it's normal role. Share a directory via NFS. All other PIs and Androids mount the shared NFS - any alerts are ...
Charemer's user avatar
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1 vote

Using different wi-fi networks at the same time

This is really a routing question. Your RPi has routes to any it network is directly connected to. So long as that "network with 2 Pi zero's" is directly connected, you will be able to access them ...
bobstro's user avatar
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Altair ALT1160 Chipset

Like the Raspberry Pi CPU , at this juncture, it appears that this company does not provide this part through any distributors. Your best bet is to purchase the development board or to contact them ...
crasic's user avatar
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How can I use the Raspberry Pi to connect a wired ethernet device to a wireless network

I think you will need a WIFI dongle for the PI, simply because I believe the PI has only a single network card. Although you can connect the PI Wired OR wireless, you cant connect it to both at the ...
Fagash's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

How to set up a Pi 3B to only utilize an external USB wifi adapter to connect to the internet (and not the internal wlan0 wifi card)?

With every network management system, no matter if it is ifupdown, dhcpcd, systemd-networkd or Networkmanager (not supported with Raspbian), you are able to configure what interface (wlan0 or wlan1) ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.6k
1 vote

How to set up a Pi 3B to only utilize an external USB wifi adapter to connect to the internet (and not the internal wlan0 wifi card)?

You can prevent dhcpcd from configuring an interface by editing /etc/dhcpcd.conf Add denyinterfaces wlan0 to the end of the file (but above any other added interface lines) and save the file.
Milliways's user avatar
  • 61.5k
1 vote

Install Fritz!WLAN USB Stick

If you read the error message, Your kernel headers for kernel 4.9.41-v7+ cannot be found When you compile a kernel module you need the kernel header. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) ...
MatsK's user avatar
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Can the official Raspberry Pi wifi dongle used as hotspot?

This wifi dongle uses the BCM43143 chipset (see your link), and according to other questions, hostapd should work (although possibly using another version of hostapd). Didn't test the dongle myself, ...
user236012's user avatar
1 vote

problems with sudo apt-get update

Since your Pi3 has: internet access can resolve hostnames can ping the servers a newly installed OS The most likely issue is that the SD card got corrupted. Sometimes it happens during the creation ...
tlhIngan's user avatar
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1 vote

Missing build file when building for rtl8812au driver

I have followed this and a few other pages to install the usb wifi device (RTL8821AU/RTL8812AU) - the right method is documented by MrEngman on
VictorL's user avatar
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1 vote

R-pi2 Raspbian (Debian Jessie) won't connect to the wifi hotspot it finds

Edit your network interfaces file in this way and reboot your Pi. Before editing this file you should take a backup for revert back this file, if any problem encountered. auto lo iface lo inet ...
Arun's user avatar
  • 261
1 vote

Setting up an ad-hoc network with Raspbian Jessie

After a bit of digging around, I found this. You can basically follow all the instructions, except ignore the bits about configuring network address translation and iptables. It won't create an ad-hoc ...
CoilKid's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

How do I get a Netgear A6210 802.11 adapter to work on Raspberry Pi Zero?

Over on our sister Ubuntu SE site I found this short question "is the Netgear-A6210 Wireless Adapter compatible with Linux?" which had the seemingly short answer No. It had a link to the Ubuntu ...
SlySven's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the Pi "official" WiFi adapter do simultaneous Client/AP modes?

I know this doesn't directly answer the question but I don't have enough rep to comment and I figured this would help anyone trying to do something similar. Someone put together a great how-to on ...
Pathead's user avatar
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